I’ve just been prescribed Ramipril for high blood pressure?

I’ve just been prescribed Ramipril for high blood pressure based on the fact that I’ve had high BP for a couple of weeks of checking. He says it’s just something that happens as we get older – I’m 47.

I have been regularly taking Phenylephrine for blocked sinuses and related tension headaches, it’s the only over the counter medicine I’ve found to work. But research has shown me that this could be the cause on my high BP, along with Naproxen which I use for my stiff back, due to a fracture many years ago.

Is it more likely that if I stop the medicines my BP will normalise rather than treating a symptom of my over-medication… or is my BP likely unrelated to my meds and due to age as my GP suggests?

Many thanks,

Age: 47
Medications: various over the counter remedies

I have a pharyngeal pain on the right side, please advise?

I have a pharyngeal pain on the right side. Pain is very low in the morning but after 10 -11 start to irradiate in the right ear , mandible , right shoulder and cervical spine on the right.
Swollen right SCM muscle , trapezes etc ..
Swollen inflammatory glands on the neck on the right side.

Pain is bearable when i lay down in bed and i can sleep at night but i cant sleep on the right side.
Pain is better when i go to the gym but it’s worse the day after gym.

I have this pain for 2 years now .
– I removed my tonsils
– I did lots of tests like 5 MRI , 1 Angio MRI , 3 fibroscopy , all blood teste etc…
nothing is wrong and the pain is getting worse .
I am losing my mind.

I attached mi MRI of cervical spine .
I don’t know what to do next.
I excluded eagle syndrome . My styloids are 2 cm and 2,2 cm

Age: 40
I tried all antibiotics and pain killers in the world Nothing Work ! |Not even 1% of pain is gone

Doctors think that something in my spine is pushing in my throat in the vallecula epiglotis region .
Here is my pictore from fibroscopy on the Right side. This is my normal side on the left

I had an MRI done about 4 wks ago and the results stated that I had a Capillary Telangiectasia?

I had an MRI done about 4 wks ago and the results stated that I had a Capillary Telangiectasia thats about 6mm in size. My neurologist stated that its something that’s usually not treated and that the worst that could happen is that it could hemorrhage, cause a stroke and/or death, but that is very very very rare. Is that true? Do I have anything to worry about? I am very scared. How would I know if it has ruptured? What can cause it to rupture?

Age: 52
Medications: Gabapentin tramadol
General Information: I have my forehead moving forward. Headaches bad body sweat at times. I’m very very emotional.

Back pain on off for couple of years. Gristle feeling along lumber spine?

I have had back pain on off for couple of years. Gristle feeling along lumber spine. Saw chiro recently….he thinks disc bulge? I get restless legs…tingly feeling in back thigh to feet at times…walking feels heavy. It can feel like my back goes into spasm….I have a sitting job. Shooting and tingly pain in arms at times too. Your thoughts? Got xray yr ago. No MRI though. Just concerned.

Age: 27
Medications: Valium when needed. Multivitamin.
General Information: Hereditary Spherocyctisis. No gallbladder.

My legs get very cold, much colder that in the past and only when I lie in bed?

My problem with thyroid started when I was 60 years old. In the morning, when I was getting out of my bed, I felt extremely week physically and mentally. During the day, when I was laying down for a short nap, my legs were soon getting very cold. Gradually I was getting more sensitive to cold in general, but only my legs were really affected and only when I was lie in horizontal position.
Over the following years, as I sometimes was feeling very bad, (I was very week, sweating, my skin was itching), it has been establish by my family doctor that the synthroid 0.075 mg. is the right dose to cover deficiency of my thyroid stimulating hormone.
At present I am 82 years old. I take synthroid 0.075 mg. every day. I swim, go for a walk and feel very good in general. Unfortunately my legs get very cold, much colder that in the past and only when I lie in bed, even as I am dress very warm and covered with 3 thick blankets. It prevents me from sleeping which creates many other problems. I am not getting referral to an endocrinologyst .
Is it possible to help me with this problem? My t.s.h. is now 5.2
Thank you for your time,

Age: 82
Medications: Synthroid 0.075 mg., Rabeprasole, Nadole, Spirolactone
General Information: Until one year ago I had Hepatitis C. It was eliminated with special, new treatment by Dr. — in —– Hospital.

Ultrasound of my kidneys provides different results, please advise?

Hello in 2010 I had an ultrasound after seeing a nephrologist. My right kidney measured 10×3.6 cm and my left 9.8×3.8 cm…the notation said slight increased echogenicity of both kidneys in prominent pyramids. And the impression was suggesting medical renal disease…now the nephrologist said that I had significant scarring in both kidneys. Which baffled him because my blood work was great. Now a few days ago after getting an ultrasound of my kidneys there was nothing it was all normal. And while I’m thankful I’m confused and no one seems to be able to tell me why this can occur. Can you tell me why this might be the case?

Age: 29
Medications: Methotrexate, prednisone, gabapentin
General Information: I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2017 and my Rheumatologist thinks I may have RA or sarcoidosis.

Suffering from a terrible pain in lower back that lasts a second or two, please advise?

I have been suffering from a pinpoint pain in my lower back, at exactly the same location at least 3 to 4 times per day. the pain stays for a second or two and then goes away. But it happens often, several times a day. I had a lumpectomy and lymph node operation 2 months ago. Can it be related to my operation. My doc thinks no.

Age: 38

I have severe narcolepsy as well as CFIDS, need second opinion?

Are Doctor’s paid to research? i.e. when they have a patient who has an illness they are not familiar with can they bill for the time spent learning as much as they can about it? I ask this question because I have severe narcolepsy as well as CFIDS; what is considered “invisible” illness. I was recently hospitalized for an acute and unrelated condition – a severe GI infection. I was NPO and unmedicated for any and all symptoms which as you know can mimic psychiatric disease. For the first time in decades I suffered – without medication, from symptoms of automatic behavior, hallucinations at night and during the day, disrupted nighttime sleep and more. I recently received a copy of my inpatient records and also of outpatient visits and tests too – all of which indicate I have now at age 64 been adjudicated with “mental illness of long standing duration,” “bipolar disease unspecified.” The discharge summary states, “Patient states history of narcolepsy and chronic fatigue, however psychiatry indicates diagnosis of bipolar disease…and so forth. There are statements such as how I am unable to follow a conversation, appear confused, inappropriate at times; of course I was; my prognosis was initially guarded and my husband was called regarding code status as I was deemed incapable of making decisions. I asked as did my husband that my providers familiarize themselves with the symptoms of my chronic illnesses. An outpatient visit with a gynecologist (!) states bipolar disease, in partial remission, most recently depressed, indicating this was discussed during that visit – which was not. (Nor has anyone informed me I am bipolar or is treating me for it…). My other questions are: What would you do and what should I do?

Age: 64
Medications: n/a
General Information: no

CT scans show enlarged spleen and enlarged axillary and chest lymph nodes?

I know you cna’t really diagnose someone without seeing them, but I am really worried.

I have recently had two CT scans, and they showed i have an enlarged spleen and enlarged axillary and chest lymph nodes. I’m also getting heavy night sweats ( int he day now too), and have lost a lot of weight. I’ve also developed reynauld’s phenomenon in the past year ( I’m 46 and nave had it before).

I had some blood work done, and my c-reative protein level was high, my WBC and Lymph
values were low. I’m tired all the time ( not sleepy, just tired)

I recently had a biopsy for lymphoma ( am waiting for the results), but I was wondering what else can cause these types of symptoms. As I was adopted, I don’t know my parent’s medical history, but two of my three childrne have autoimmune issues ( finbromyalgia and autoimmune ion channelopathy in nerve cells).

Any input would be appreciated.

Age: 46
Medications: none
General Information: yes…she scheduled a biposy for lymphoma

I haven’t been feeling well lately, lack of energy, headaches and some chest and stomach pain?

I haven’t been feeling well lately, lack of energy, headaches and some chest and stomach pain. I had a bloodwork done and got my blood pressure tested by the local clinic and here are my results. My blood pressure is between 170/110 mmHg and 190/115 mmHg. My tests showed hemoglobin 18, platelet 150, MCH 26 and others normal. What should I do next.

Is Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) the right procedure?

I’m 67 years old with an enlarged prostrate. I’ve taken tamsulosin 2x a day for 5 years but the problem has gotten to the point that I admit that I need to take more effective measures. Because I also have a 2mm stone in my bladder my urologist says TURP is the procedure of choice. My question is this, is it obvious that TURP is the way to go or are there alternative procedures to explore? My urologist is quite competent but he is semi-retired “old school” and I’m not confident that he knows about the most recent developments in the field.

Age: 67
Medications: Tamsulosin HCL 0.4mg twice a day
General Information: Except for the enlarged prostrate I am in very good health

I had spine surgery exposing my spine, is there risk of infection?

I recently had surgery to confuse five vertebrae in my neck the problem is is my incision started to create a big hole looks like it was infected my surgeon told me it was not infected but he put me on antibiotics anyway. So I have this big gaping hole it is exposing my spinal cord and my spine.I’ve had surgery once to correct it and close the incision, he cleaned it out and closed the incision and stitched it. Well the hole has returned. I was supposed to go out of town to a plastic surgeon to close the incision again but I haven’t heard back from my surgeon’s office for 2 days. What is my risk of infection from my having my spine exposed? I like my surgeon and I don’t believe that he’s trying to hurt me in any way, but should I be seeking second opinion or another doctor to close this incision and should I be doing it faster than it’s being done? it’s now been seven days since the last time I was in surgery to have it closed.

Age: 56
Medications: None

I was injected intravenously with iodine for CT scan, now having side effects?

I had a CT of my chest and abdomen. I was injected intravenously with iodine contrast twice. The next day I was having constant palpitations, my heart felt like it was racing and bogged down. I was short of breath and lightheaded, I also felt a weird pressure in the arteries in my neck. I was having mood swings and very stressed and depressed. This was constant for a week and a few episodes the next week. This week, the third week seems to be more frequent. I read that iodine contrast can trigger hyperthyroidism, since they injected me twice I think it is probably the case. How long will this last and do I just wait it out? It feels awful. I emailed my Dr and she just said to drink a lot of water to flush it out, I don’t see how that can help.

Age: 42
Medications: Singular, pulmicort inhaler.
General Information: I had constant fatigue and brain fog for several years. I started taking 1 gram of l-arginine in September and felt a little better. I have b-12 anemia but b12 shots made me feel worse. I take deplin methelfolate. I got sick with a respiratory infection and had to be put on 10 days of prednisone at the end of october, it has cured my fatigue and brain fog. I had my CT