I was diagnosed with a 0.5 cm large brain lesion on my left temporal, I have headache?

Hello. I’m a 24 year old female.
About 7 or 8 years ago I was diagnosed with a 0.5 cm large brain lesion on my left temporal. The doctor said it was caused by an injury and concluded that through the CT and an MRI. At the time my only symptom were constant headaches. A neurosurgeon confirmed I should not worry and should not spend a lot of time in front of the computer (at the time I barely did it) and to not stress out.
I’m an anxiety and stress prone person that has an online job, bound to her computer today.
Today, I still have those headaches, though they appear once a month and usually last for about a week. Right now, my headache has turned into a kind of uncomfortable pressure on the top of my head. At first it wasn’t painful, just annoying, but now it’s a little achy. The headache actually began as a jabbing at the back of my head, then pressure at that spot and then it settled on the top of the head.
I’m very concerned. I don’t have any other symptoms (like nausea, vomiting, seizures, vision problems – I checked my eyesight and my vision field last December, turned out fine). Thank you.

I have been dealing with a shaking sensation when my muscles are under stress/load?

22 y.o. male. No PMHx besides fractures of lower leg and left wrist. Recently I have been dealing with a shaking sensation when my muscles are under stress/load. For instance, when I slowly walk down the stairs or if I were to squat for an extended period of time, the muscles in my legs will become very shaky. Another time I notice it is while laying down, if I were to sit up slightly to grab something, such as my phone, the muscles in my abdomen do the same thing. I have also noticed it when lifting heavier objects. While I know if it were just my legs, I could attribute it to weakness perhaps, but with it seemingly effecting all the muscles in my body, I do not feel as though this would be the cause. I met with my PCP a few times about this, and so far all blood work as been normal with the exception of my Vitamin D level which was low. I have been taking a 50 IU Vitamin D pill 1 time per week for a month now (4 doses) and my symptoms do not seem to be improving. I have also noticed a shake, or almost a tremor in my hands/fingers at times. As I am typing this when I have my wrist/palm on the table and my fingers above the keyboard, I notice a shakiness in my fingers. Im beginning to feel slightly worried that I might be dealing with something a lot more serious than a vitamin deficiency, like a neurological disorder. Any insight or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

We lost our only daughter 1 year ago, I have severe upper back pain, head ache,memory loss and difficultly breathing?

I am 28yr old. We lost our only daughter 1 year ago, she was our only hope and purpose of living, and our life. She was only 5.11yr old. She had viral fever, after few medical tests, medicines and treatment it became normal and suddenly at night she passed away within few seconds. We couldn’t do anything. Since then we lost our hope and belief on every thing and everyone. Few months ago we expected the same baby but it got abortion with no reason. Then had surgery for cleaning and complete abortion. Since then we completely lost trust and hope on life. Since then I feel weak in my palm and feet, I feel swelling and difficult to close fist and pain. I feel difficulty in breathing, I can’t breathe like before. Sometimes at night I feel so hard to breathe like going to die. I have severe upper back pain, head ache. And memory loss. Sometimes can’t remember about the breakfast which I ate. Can’t do any work. Digestion problem. Lot of confusion. No trust on anyone. Sometimes I feel like slight shock in chest and can’t breathe or move for sometime, it’ll be painful. I feel my entire body weak. What do I do?

I’m hardly eating anything and when I do I feel nauseous?

Hi, I am a female age 23. My name is (…), I am currently taking no medications but I do have a Nexplanon birth control implant in my left arm.

I have been feeling very ill lately, and it usually gets worse if I eat. I do feel hungry, but can only eat a few bites and then I feel sick. Recently its been getting worse, I’m hardly eating anything and when I do I feel nauseous but I also started feeling a burning pain in my lower back, shoulders, neck and even in my jaw. Its almost like a tightness, but its hot and hurts. It was really bad today to the point I almost passed out. The pain usually lasts 15-30min and then goes away and then I just feel nauseous.

I have had Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, now lose vision, doctors don’t know why?

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension?
I have had IIH in 2014 been on meds, number of lumber punctures and surgery but have not been successful. Again same in 2015 and 2016. I get severe headaches, eye swelling, affects my left side more. I lose vision at times, total black out, weakness in legs and dizziness. Drs do not know what is causing this and why it comes, unsure of what is actually going on. These problems are continuous all day everyday for more then 8 weeks

I’ve had this off balance/unsteady feeling in my head, doctors are clueless?

30 years old female. 140lbs. No health issues known. MRI/CT scan normal, blood work normal, blood sugar normal, EKG/ECHO/HOLTER normal, ENT did not find any issues, allergies – zero allergies, no vitamin deficit issues.

I’ve had this off balance/unsteady feeling in my head for months now. Noticed more when looking down at my computer, looking down in the sink to wash dishes, looking down to shave my legs as I sit on the side of the tub, looking down to cook. Standing still, and looking in the mirror. When I am slightly bent to the sink to look at my eyes in the mirror I feel this feeling.

Doctors are clueless and I am TIRED of feeling like crap! Scared to work out and live my life. I just want to be normal again.

I dont drink or do drugs, former smoker – quit two months ago.

My left arm biceps started to twitch, no solution?

I am 21, male, Do not know where to start so i am just gonna write, first notices it 7 months ago when my left arm biceps started to twitch, initially i thought it would stop it did not it persisted to twitch 24 hours a day, when i am awake and when i sleep so i went to the doctor and she said it happens and that i should consume more magnesium and i took it every day but twitching continued, went to the other doctor month after she sent me to emergency to take many tests and go to many doctors, nobody knew why is this happening, so i ordered another exemination in my city capital and they did that nerve test (witch i already did in my city) results were the same that it is not nerves, so since i told them i did’nt feel any weakness in that arm so they told me they don’t know what it is and that i should just live with it, the thing is its been like this for 7 months now and i feel twitches in my legs and even forehead, i am just looking what is wrong with me? i refuse to accept it is nothing
i did blood test, urine test, nerves test, MRI(upper and lower) but machine is a bit old,

Suffering from involuntary movements, spasms, doctors don’t know what is wrong?

Four months ago my husband got sick, the doctors don’t know whats wrong, and is not making much of an effort to figure out what It could be, so we need ideas on what it could be so we can go to the doctor to make them check it out. It started with a tingling sensation on the entre left side of the body. After a few days he started getting large involuntary movements in his left leg (his leg looked like it was made out of gelo when he walked .) after a few more days the involuntary movements started in his left arm. (It can last for hours and then goes away, and the episodes happens several times every day). His symptoms now include involuntary movements in his legs, arms, stomach muscles, left eyelid, and left side of his mouth(cheek and lips). He has episodes where he can’t speak, as if his throat shuts down when he tries to speak ( lasting from minutes up to 3 hours). The last week he has had pain on different places on his body (lasting seconds to minutes) the pain has been on his testicle, side of his head, neck, shoulder blades, thigh, and stomach and other various muscle groups. Besides from this he has always been healthy, but has ADHD. (Uses concerta) He is 26 years old. MRI and EEG look good.

Facial pain, tingling numbness, along with ear pain and fatgue, brain MRI found several lesions?

Hi..my name is (…) and I’m a female 49 years of age, due to facial pain, tingling numbness, along with ear pain and extreme buzzing and tinnitus, along with some fairly body wide complaints, most concerning is of fatigue, weakness and at times inability to move and use predominantly legs, but at times also arms. I also have some sensory deficits as well as issues with temperature regulation. I recently had a brain MRI that found several lesions that could be indicative of old ischemia along with leukoariosis. The brain mri report also discussed the finding of a type II loop in anterior inferior cerebellar artery. (…) I have been experiencing symtoms for years and progressively getting worse. Please advise?

Woke up with my upper left arm in pain?

35 year old Female
A year ago: Woke up with my upper left arm in pain. (where the deltoid and the bicep meet) At first, it felt similar to the feeling of a body part “falling asleep”. The pain progressed rapidly. On a scale of one to ten I experienced a ten. The pain was so deep, as if I was being tortured from inside my arm, that I could not use my whole left arm. Shooting down to my fingers. I immediately took ibuprofen about 1500 milligrams. Once the pills took the pain away I was exhausted from the pain and my arm was sore. No trauma or surgeries. All I can think of is I do sleep with my arm raised above my head. But I never had problems sleeping that way before. 6 months later it was happening again. Same arm same spot. Although the second time I immediately took ibuprofen. Almost a year later after the second incident I experienced it again. Except the pain was now affecting the right upper arm. Same pain same spot. Opposite arm. This third time was about a week ago.

I have pain and limited movement along right body side?

Age 54
Take blood pressure medication

I have bad balance and a very weak right hand I cannot put my pinky and thumb together
I also have lower right back pain and the muscle just under the bend of my right hand is paining and also just under my right shoulder and my right leg the lower muscle pains
What is my problem????
This has been getting progressively worse

My 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in June, now 7 months later she gets choked when eating?

My 18 yr old daughter had a spinal fusion in June. Two days afterwards she had bilateral swelling in the supraclavical area of neck. They are the size of lg eggs. The size changes daily. Now 7 months later she gets choked when eating and says the areas hurt. We have been to family Dr three times, two different ent’s, an endocrinologist. She has had ultrasound, MRI & been tested for Cushing’s. All of which were negative. Neurosurgeon says not from surgery. We have been told not going to die from it since it’s both sides, that its just fat, andi have noidea but its not normal. Please help my daughter! We are so tired of no answers!

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My leg has had spasms for some time, now I had total body spasm?

I am sorry if my text will have some mistakes (I live in Czech Republic) or it will be hard to understand but those things are insane. I am 16 y.o. girl. For a long time a have periodically (2 months =I have it, 3-4=I don’t) some problems with limbs on left side of my body. It started few years ago when I started feeling weakness and numbness sometimes. When I was just sitting and then I got up, my whole left leg got in some sort of strange spasm. My leg was numb at the beginning, because of numbness I couldn’t move my leg in the knee, even if I tried my best I couldn’t flex it. Then I felt plucking and a small pain. After maybe 10 seconds it ended and my leg just feeled very tired for a while, but then it was OK again. That is happening almost every time I got up, I start walking after still standing for a while (pedestrian crossings – this was dangerous sometimes!), OR when someone scares me, I change walking on running or many others. My left hand is “just” weak for a while, but it doesn’t have any starters.
I lived with those problems few years and doctors from neurology and orthopedics didn’t tell me anything so I just learned how to live with those struggles, but now I am really scared. Few days back I was sleeping and then one of my spasm came. Normally I don’t have to do anything and my leg is automatically straight even if I was sleeping, but at that moment my leg was slowly moving to my breast. I knew it shouldn’t been happening and I was quite scared so I tried to move it but I couldn’t move with anything on my body. I realized that I wasn’t able to breathe and my whole body was in a spasm. I was so scared. I was moving on my bed for a while, in my head I heard a horrible buzz. Then I don’t know how it ended and I woke up in the morning. That happened few nights after that again and today again. But I felt how my leg is moving and my neck was bending on my back (that was happening) and I moved. I felt how it was coming again and again and I am really scared. What is it?!

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