Hello. I’m a 24 year old female.
About 7 or 8 years ago I was diagnosed with a 0.5 cm large brain lesion on my left temporal. The doctor said it was caused by an injury and concluded that through the CT and an MRI. At the time my only symptom were constant headaches. A neurosurgeon confirmed I should not worry and should not spend a lot of time in front of the computer (at the time I barely did it) and to not stress out.
I’m an anxiety and stress prone person that has an online job, bound to her computer today.
Today, I still have those headaches, though they appear once a month and usually last for about a week. Right now, my headache has turned into a kind of uncomfortable pressure on the top of my head. At first it wasn’t painful, just annoying, but now it’s a little achy. The headache actually began as a jabbing at the back of my head, then pressure at that spot and then it settled on the top of the head.
I’m very concerned. I don’t have any other symptoms (like nausea, vomiting, seizures, vision problems – I checked my eyesight and my vision field last December, turned out fine). Thank you.