My mom is suffering a head pain in the back of her head?

Hello, my mother (age 45) is suffering a head pain in the back of her head. mainly pain occurs at night before sleep but sometimes in the day too. she says the pain occurs in the left side vein in the back of her head. the pain started about 10-15 days ago. but now the pain level is high sometime. her blood pressure is normal. what possibly it could be..? please help us.

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Been having severe headaches shocking pain down the back part of my head

Hi,I’m a 30 year old black female I have 2 two children. Both complicated pregnancy ,I’m have a IUD Mirena,I’m not on any medication. For last two months I have been having severe headaches so bad that when I move my eyes a certain way it was seen as shocking pain down the back part of my head I’m also experiencing dizziness light headed nauseation numbness in the bottom part of my feet and never feel like this before .

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I have episodes of vertigo for about 2 years, happens following a “buzz” in my head?


I am a 24 year old female, and have been having issues with random episodes of vertigo for about 2 years. I didn’t really start keeping track of how often they were occurring until a few months ago. I get them about once or twice a month, and they only last a minute or so.
Like I said, they come on randomly. Recently when they have occurred I have been just sitting at my desk, doing sit ups, and lifting weights (three separate occasions). As weird as it sounds, I know when I’m about to get an episode of vertigo because I get this weird buzz in my head (kind of like when your legs fall asleep), and then the vertigo hits. The whole rooms looks like it is spinning. This usually only lasts for a few minutes, I just try to sit still and breathe, and they go away.

I’m generally healthy. 5’4, 135 pounds. I was diagnosed at birth with pulmonary stenosis, but had a valve ballooned at 10 months old, and no longer have to see a cardiologist. I work out about 4-5 times a week, cardio and light weight lifting.

Any idea what could be causing this issue? I’m terrified when I google the symptoms online they mention brain tumors or TIAs. But at the same time, I’ve had this for about 2 years now, so I feel like I would have other symptoms if it was one of those two (hopefully). Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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I have fibromyalgia, being treated by neurologist, now bladder is achy and heavy (pressure) with pain?

I am a 38 year old female. I’ve had urinary sensitivity for many years, but rarely have had UTIs. Usually I take otc AZO and my irritating symptoms go away on their own. I’ve had symptoms over the last couple of weeks. AZO helps some with the pain, but not as well as usual. This doesn’t necessarily feel like the burning typical of UTI. My bladder is achy and heavy (pressure) with pain during urination that comes and goes. It is not going away as expected. Today, upon first urination, I found my urine to look completely strange. It almost looked like oil and water mixed, but that the “oil” on top of the water had a bunch of white stuff floating in it. I have also been peeing a lot lately (but very thirsty/drinking more, so may make sense?). I have low back/side pain (achy, with bouts of more severe shooting/stabbing feel). I also get that shooting/stabbing pain in my abdomen. This has happened in all quadrants, with the upper left and lower pelvis area being the most severe. My usual pain meds aren’t working as well as they usually do. I’m used to pain, but would like to lessen or eliminate as much of it as possible, of course. My aching pain varies in intensity from 4-7 and the shooting pains vary from 8-nearly 10, at times. I had similar symptoms a few months ago. Urine was tested and CT done. I believe all of that was normal at that time. Starting around then, and continuing today, I’ve also been quite nauseous and have watery diarrhea everyday. I have a referral to GI to look into this, but wanted to mention it in case it could be connected. And I have a swallow study this week because my esophagus spasms sometimes and I can’t complete my swallow or breathe in or out until that finishes. I do have fibromyalgia, so I try not to go to the doctor unless a symptom is way more severe or completely out of the norm or new for me. I have been having way more health issues over the last 1 1/2 years, beginning with gallbladder removal (stones) and complete hysterectomy for pain and severe bleeding. I also have PCOS. I’ve been to the doctor quite a bit and am not sure what to do. When I go in and they don’t find anything conclusive, if they test at all, they often assume it’s related to fibromyalgia or nothing at all. I am also currently working with a neurologist for severe short-term memory loss, confusion, missing time, changes in senses, increased muscle weakness and neuropathy testing. I’m sorry for all of the back story, but I thought it may be important. I don’t know what to do right now for my bladder(?) problem, or any of the problems really. Go to the doctor again or wait it out??? What could be causing all this? Thank you!

Surgical Hx: Tonsilectomy (age 5), appendectomy and R ovary torsion (age 12), R ovary removal (1998), R shoulder stabilization (2000), gallbladder removal and complete hysterectomy (2015)

Current RXs: Zofran 4 mg, 1 every 8 hrs, as needed
Seroquel 50 mg, 3/bedtime
Medical cannabis, as needed
Loperamide 2 mg, 1 every 8 hrs, as needed
Estradiol 1 mg 1/bedtime
Zoloft 100 mg, 2/bedtime
Vistaril 25 mg, take 1 3x/day as needed
Tylenol 500 mg, take 2 2-3x/day as needed
Ibuprofen 800 mg, take 1 2-3x/day as needed
Gabapentin 300 mg, take 3 2x/day
Guaifenesin 400 mg, 1 every 4 hrs, as needed
Fish oil

58 year old experiencing pressure and a heaviness in her legs?

My wife is 58. She has no known allergies to medications and does not take any daily. For years she has taken excedrin daily for body aches and sumatriptan for migraines(not daily). Early last week she stopped taking excedrin because of having a colonoscopy this week. She is taking tylenol arthritis until the procedure.
By last Wednesday she stated experiencing pressure and a heaviness in her legs so much so that its causing great discomfort for sleep and daily routine. We have googled online connections to PAD, MS, vein issues, blood clots, etc. and nothing seems to fit the bill. Her Mom was in her early 50s when she had mobility issues and was said to have had a vitamin B12 lacking, causing her leg issues. Fibromyalgia is a thought. Would bone cancer come on that sudden? A few weeks ago she had her annual with our doctor and had blood work done with no hints of this. Just came on with stopping excedrin for 10 days. Thanks (…)

I’m only 19 but have problems remembering very simple facts, happening more and more frequently?

I’m 19 and I’m a bit concerned that my job performance may be altered by a mental problem. I’m at a relatively prestigious university and maintain my grades well enough so it’s not that I’m concerned about my mental capacity, rather, I have problems sometimes remembering simple facts. I’ve already been fired from another job because I couldn’t remember to do simple things (check fax confirmations, saving documents, etc). I’m having the same problems in my new job, sometimes people will call and by the time I transfer them I’ve already forgot who called. It’s gone beyond simple forgetfulness, what is concerning is that it seems to be happening more frequently. I haven’t had a concussion or anything but that’s the type of thing this feels like. It doesn’t seem normal and I’m really concerned. Any help would be great, thanks!

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58-year-old female experiencing neurological problems… Parkinson’s disease?

EEG and neuropsych test results: what next steps would be prudent?

58-year-old female with history of depression, which is currently being treated with venlafaxine; no depressive symptoms at present. History of ECT; last session 05/16, total of 17 treatments over approximately 8 months. Mild REM sleep behavior disorder. Memory/cognitive complaints for past approximately 5 years, which are becoming more frequent and worsening. Family history of Parkinson’s and/or dementia among mother’s siblings; two of the five with dementia were early-onset, one likely vascular. Nothing abnormal in most recent blood work, other than total cholesterol (236). Blood pressure is normal. History of breast cancer in 2012, treated with bilateral mastectomy; no chemo or radiation. Fatty liver disease (non-alcoholic). No alcohol/drug use; no current tobacco use. Early macular degeneration (dry type).

Formerly worked as a systems analyst/programmer and project manager, computer systems trainer, network administrator. 14 years’ education, as well as avid pursuit of a wide variety of interests and hobbies. Lives alone; recently requires assistance with some activities such as bill-paying.

CT performed subsequent to fall 06/16. Mild cerebral atrophy and ischemic changes.

Underwent neuropsychological testing in 07/16. Dementia Rating Scale -2 result: 134/144. Report states that “This pattern of performance is suggestive of very subtle frontal and subcortical system involvement” and “Given the presence of REM sleep behavior disorder and her family history, the possibility of underlying disorder such as Parkinson’t disease should be ruled out, and should continue to be monitored. Similar cognitive findings can be observed with Parkinson’s disease.” Repeated testing to be conducted in one year.
EEG was performed in 08/16 at Mayo in Rochester. Verbatim report follows:

CLINICAL INTERPRETATION: The short-term video EEG shows a moderate degree of intermittent focal slowing over the left frontotemporal head region. This finding is consistent with a moderate disturbance of cerebral function or focal lesion involving this region. No clear epileptiform discharges are seen.

EEG CLASSIFICATION: SPECIAL STUDY – Short-term video EEG. Dysrhythmia grade 2: left frontotemporal (awake and asleep). EKG monitor.

REPORT: This short-term video EEG recording during wakefulness contains 9-10 Hz background activity. Intermittent, moderate amplitude, polymorphic 1-2 Hz delta slowing is present over the left frontotemporal head region. No abnormal activity occurred during photic stimulation. Hyperventilation was not performed due to concerns about ischemia. During the recording, the patient fell asleep spontaneously. No additional activation was seen during sleep. The EKG was unremarkable.

What, if anything, should be done to follow up on this EEG? If there’s a neurologist reading this, what would you suggest for this patient? What questions should she ask of her providers?

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I have hard pulse in neck artery, numb ear pressure feeling, neck numbness?

20 year old male
Talking amoxycillin for postnasal drip and dry throat with cough

I have recently gotten symptoms of hard pulse in my right neck artery and have a slightly numb ear pressure feeling and slight numbness down the neck. I have no other symptoms but an extremely worried. I have taken an aspirin 300mg should I go to the ER?

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I have headaches everyday, tingling and pain in my feet, at a loss at what to do?

I have headaches everyday also after being on my feet for a few hours i get tingling and pain in my feet and lower legs feel funny. Joint pain often and bowel problems. My doctor did a sleep study it had 2 electrodes on my head and a tube to my nose said it cam back normal. Did a cat scan without contrast cam back normal. Blood test normal I am at a loss as to what to do.

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Short term memory issues, aching head, daily crying spells?

Aching head varies in severity occurring daily since early September after initial onset I experienced severe nausea worse in the morning and occurring throughout the day for approximately a week. The nausea had abated however I experience it intermittently. I’ve also noticed short term memory issues. For weeks prior to the onset if head ache I was experiencing daily crying spells. I did have a MRI without contrast and eeg in July prior to i onset of these symptoms both of which came back negative other than sinus congestion. I need to know what to do.

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I’m 33+4 weeks pregnant, have had multiple kidney and urine infections, in pain?

I’m 33+4 weeks pregnant, have had multiple kidney and urine infections throughout, I have two duplex kidneys so I get frequent infections, I’ve been self catheterising three times a day for the past 6 weeks since my last infection and have also been on low dose cefalexin every day since as a prophylaxis to try prevent another one. I have recently been in hospital for regular blood pressure checks and baby monitoring also because I have just started with pre-eclampsia symptoms and am going in twice a week for monitoring.

I have been in allot of pain with my back in my flank and all across my lower abdomen for months and use dighydrocodine occasionally To try help with the pain, but the flank pains worsened over past three days and I took a dilstick test at home and this showed keystones, glucose, protein, blood and leukocytes in my urine. I have a hospital appointment in two days , can I leave it till then to get checked as my mobility right now is limited and it’s painful remove about or should I get in tomorrow to the emergency doctors?

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15 year old always gets headaches, no one and nothing helps?

I am a 15 year old female, and I have been getting 6 headaches a day for going on 8 months. I have been to a neurologist who did a MRI and blood tests. The blood test was ANA positive but my DNA strand was fine. I then had a lumbar puncture and my protein was slightly high but my red blood cells were very high. I then went to a rheumatologist who said that it can’t be autoimmune. I went to an ENT who said it might be contact headaches and gave me a nose spray which didn’t work. The headaches are now increasing to about 7-8 a day and the intensity has stayed the same (lowest 5 and highest 9). I try to avoid taking pain killers. I usually try to either ignore it or sleep it off. The headaches are above my eyes so I had a eye test which was fine. I have tried exercising more, avoiding gluten, changing my sleep pattern etc. The only medication that worked to reduce the headaches was a epileptic tablet prescribed by the neurologist, this reduced it right down to 1 a day but I was taken off because one of the side effects was suicidal thoughts and my mom was scared that would happen to me. I am also not feeling any pain until long after I have been hurt. I have dizziness that has inched lasted from 6 AM to after 8PM. Please help because I can’t have more headaches.