Child was born with enlarged ventricles in her brain and at nearly 18 months doesn’t crawl normally (sideways crawl) or walk (although she “cruises” holding furniture). She is suspected of having glaucoma and what sounds like severe myopia for her age. Do these symptoms indicate a particular type of issue (iaaur)?
My son is 8 months old and coughs all the time, he has a rumble in the back and also a hard tummy with rumbles. He wakes at night and I cycle his legs, rub his tummy etc and at night he will finally settle after he has passed wind his bottom end. He struggles to pass wind the bottom end and will cry and cough until he has. The doctors have given him ranitidine, omeprazole and an inhaler but none of these work. Should he be struggling this much to pass wind? I’ve also tried over the counter remedies like infacol, colief etc but none work.
My 8-month-old daughter just developed this sore/rash on her scalp. I can’t tell if it’s eczema, cradle cap, or psoriasis. Her father suffers from plaque psoriasis as well, so I’m a little concerned. Is there a cream or anything I can use? A friend suggested colloidal silver as well. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi, my son is 8 weeks old and has had diarrhea (total water with a tint) and mucusy green diarrhea for a week and four days. He has had projectile vomiting, sweats (but no fever) and his sleep and demeanor have changed. Tonight, he began wheezing/crying/screaming in his sleep.
The dr ruled out dehydration and all bacterial viruses and blood from a stool sample this past Tuesday. I have been dairy- free for a week and a half without any change in his stools.Tonight, he won’t sleep and has been crying/wheezing in his sleep.
He has GERD and takes 0.5 mg of a prescription medication for it. We also give him gripe water every four hours and gas drops with every feed. He has no known allergies. He just had a VCUG procedure done, but the results were negative.
What do i do? What could it be? All I’ve been able to find online is Pyloric Stenosis and Gastroenteritis and that terrifies me.
my daughter is five years old and just passed a bowel movement with blood also in the toilet. I’m worried because I do not know what could have caused this. what could cause this and what should I do ? thank you for your help
Hello I am contacting you about my daughter. She turns 14 tomorrow. Long story short, she had blood work 8 months ago, everything normal, except alsosterone (blood) came back at 2.5. Doctor was not concerned. I had labs sent to our family doctor, and he was not concerned. Last week at a routing physical, I asked about this again, they said at my request they would order cbc, panel, functions, cortisol, aldosterone. They instructed her to fast. She had the blood test the next morning at 7:50 am sitting in a chair. Doctor called that all was normal EXCEPT Cortisol 20, aldosterone 2.5. Sent me to pediatric endocrinologist. She was not concerned either. I want to feel at peace, but when I look up these levels online, I see scary diseases and syndromes. Please give me some insight to these levels, are they ok? I am so worried. Thank you.
hi my daughter is 3 weeks and 3 days old up to now. after having the every feeding,she is vomiting from mouth and nasal.
volume of vomiting is much large.two UV scan done after kept 10 hours pasting and right after the feeding.
doctors are decided according to the scan report this is not the piloris (piloric) stenosis.
but all the symptoms are related to the piloris stenosis.please help me advise on this
My son is 11 years old, 4’11” weighs 69.8 lbs, is currently diagnosed with ADHD, his IGE is elevated and has been taking allergy shots for mold, dust mites, pollen, trees, grasses, cats, dogs, etc. His igA is present but about half the level it should be and his igG was also low. His A/G Ratio is 2.3, his Bun/create ratio is 21. His pneumococcal numbers from vaccines were low so he recently had to redo the pneumococcal shots (both the 11 and the one they give to the elderly). His urinalysis results showed mucousUrine- Present(A) andAmorphous Crystals -Few(A). Biopsies of his colon showed “a microscopic examination was done. No pathologicchangeswere noted in any of the biopsies, but there was a nonspecific finding in the random colon biopsies. Rare glands contain a few intraepithelialeosinophils in the absence of any interstitial inflammation ”
All of this has been over a number of tests. He also has been on a gluten free diet for a year as it seemed to give him severe stomache aches. Anything we should know or are missing with all of this. Each Doctor individually doesn’t seem too concerned but my son is often sick and missing school.
My brother has been losing his hearing abilities since he was 6-7 years old. he has been experiencing ringing in his ears that just gets louder and louder through out the years. He got hearing aid that have helped for a few months but his ears have gotten used to them so his hearing has gotten worse with them on; and when he doesn’t have them he practically can’t hear anything (only if you shout at him). We has received at CT scan that shows no abnormalities. The doctors have still not sid anything as they ‘dont know’ whats going on. I’m not a doctor but i was wondering if it was because he doesn’t eat alot of nutritious foods. He’s under weight and refuses to eat more greens and fruits. When he was a kid he has has a little un-balancement as it took him ages to learn how to walk properly. Taking iron tablets for extreme anemia.
for little less than two month ago, we got a wonderful girl! But she was born with deformed toes in one foot.
her both foots are healthy, except for the toes which looks clearly deformed, and as parents we are worried about her future, and don’t know what steps to take!
we want to ask as a specialist, what should we do? appoint her to operation, or wait until she became older??
My daughter is 7 years old and has an extremely distended stomach. She’s had this issue for about 5 years now and it’s getting worse, with more pain. There are 4 people that live in our house, and not ONE person is overweight (i’m a health coach and personal trainer, so we eat crazy healthy). No fast food, no juice, pop, candy, etc.
Her stomach is so large, some days it looks like i could pop it with a pin.
She has had two appt with a gastro doctor that have done xrays of her stomach. He says she is full of poop and she had to take a HUGE amount of Miralax. DIDN”T WORK. Then the second xray was still just as bad. Then Magasieum drink. HUGE amounts. She complains of pain daily. Please help. They also did a Celiac text and infection test.
My 4 years kid had a fever for one day and half,and he felt tired.
Next day he had rash on neck nape,around mouth, just near his armpits from the back, arms,legs,knees,elbows,hands and palms,feet and soles,very small red dots on his mouth roof not blisters or rash on belly,neither on back,3 small dots on his chest.
One doctor diagnosed him as hfmd, the other diagnosed him chicken pox.
My question is, could hfmd appear on neck nape,around armpits?
Could chicken pox appear on palms and soles? Thanks.
Our baby is 5 weeks old. Had bronchiolitis and had therapy for 7 days in hospital in Macedonia with lendacin and urbason. now his chest are ok but continues with pulmicord inhaling (26 days) and Cefaklor sirup (5 days).
I am desperate for help what can i do to help our baby not to have side effects or further complications. I read that when babies are so young it is more then possible to have later complications or serious illnesses. Sometimes he screams like hell and we don’t know why. He might be in pain. He seems lost now, confused and scared from all the hospitals and needles :((
Please please please advice, what to do to help him.
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