I have terrible bone pain and muscle spasms, is it due to Celiac disease or other condition?

Hello, i am female 27 years old. after a months of terrible bone pain and muscle spasms i was diagnosed with celiac disease. But 3 weeks after diagnose, my control blood work showed low leukocytes (3,6). One month before it was 5.1! Is there something to worry about? I am really concerned since i have terrible bone pain, i am on gluten free diet only 14 days. I know that bone pain is quite common for silent celiac disease but i am worried it might be cancer also. My alkaline phosfate was in normal range (0,89). My calcium was month ago low (2,07) and now is normal (2,42) but such increasing is worrying me it might be osteosarcoma or multiple myeloma. I have to say that my bones hurts all over the body. Sometimes fingers (hands) sometimes long leg bones. I am low on D vitamin, my B12 wasnt checked. Thank you so much!!!

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I had a hemorrhoidectomy in June, do I need another one?

I’m a 30 year old male, generally good health, no allergies or current medications. I had a hemorrhoidectomy in June, with a pretty lengthy recovery (~1 month til i felt functional). I drive alot for work, but I’ve done my best to change my diet and eat more fiber. Everything has been going pretty well, except for a few things. First and foremost, I think they’re recurring. I noticed it was “back” on one side. How often does recurrence happen after surgery? Can I have another surgery to fix it again if it gets bad? When they do the surgery do they remove musculature from the anal sphincter? The other thing I notice is that sometimes after I go, I wipe and I feel it’s clean, I can’t just seem to get 100% clean; there always more to get it seems.

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I have been having bouts of severe stomach pain?


I am a 31 year old relatively healthy woman. Recently I have been having bouts of severe stomach pain. I am 50% sure it has a lot to do with the excessive amounts of ibuprofen I was taking for a severe toothache that was later pulled.

The pain is in my upper right side of my abdominal. The pain stays there yet if severe enough, effects my right shoulder and back. There are days that I cannot stand up straight, and find myself doubled over in intense pain with nausea. I checked myself into the ER and had a stool test and blood test performed, however the dr informed me that all of the test came back negative and she prescribed Zantac 150 for GERD which does nothing for me.

I am still in constant pain and have not been eating well. Any idea what this could be?

Severe stomach pain in the upper center/right side of my stomach
Shoulder and back pain (when pain is unbearable)
I have not taken any pain meds/NSAID (besides sumatriptan for migraines) in about 3 weeks

Thanks in advance

I started feeling nausea, I have intense abdominal pain. My abdomen, back and sides are sensitive and swollen?

Good day my name is (…), I’m 38 years old. Female. I have had 3 C sections. (3 children) and two miscarriages. I have no serious medical history, but I have been struggling with a few things that are getting worse. I have had heart fibrillation for many years. It comes and goes, in the past I would get it maybe three to four times in a year, the last couple of months I have been getting it weekly. A doctor told me that it might be a magnesium deficiency so I started drinking magnesium. It is better but I still get it once or twice a week. I have been struggling with my menstruation as well. Bleeding heavily, bleeding for three weeks on end and then not having my period for more than a month. One doctor said its, diabetes 2 and Pcocs, the other one did a sonar and said I had a growth inside my womb, they did blood test etc… but they couldn’t pick up anything serious. When I went back for a scan they said it’s not a growth but it might be endometriosis. I have been struggling the last two years with joint pain and muscle pain. The last three weeks things have been very bad. I started feeling nausea, I have intense abdominal pain. My abdomen is sensitive and swollen, it’s not just one place but every where, my back, my sides. Going to the bathroom is painful, having sex is painful. I have constant joint and muscle pain, it feels like flu pains. I’ve picked up a lot of weight but struggle to eat cause I want to throw up the whole time. My stomach burns, I feel bad when I don’t eat and I feel terrible when I do eat. I have this disgusting metal taste in my mouth. When I wake up in the mornings my face and eyes are swollen, I cant see through my eyes, my hands, feet and ankles are swollen. I can’t get my shoes on. I am extremely tired and have absolutely no energy. Could you please help me, I don’t know if this is serious. I am currently on no medication. We have a family history of heart disease and diabetes, fibromalgia and arthritis.

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My son is 8 weeks old and has had mucus green diarrhea almost 2 weeks?

Hi, my son is 8 weeks old and has had diarrhea (total water with a tint) and mucusy green diarrhea for a week and four days. He has had projectile vomiting, sweats (but no fever) and his sleep and demeanor have changed. Tonight, he began wheezing/crying/screaming in his sleep.
The dr ruled out dehydration and all bacterial viruses and blood from a stool sample this past Tuesday. I have been dairy- free for a week and a half without any change in his stools.Tonight, he won’t sleep and has been crying/wheezing in his sleep.
He has GERD and takes 0.5 mg of a prescription medication for it. We also give him gripe water every four hours and gas drops with every feed. He has no known allergies. He just had a VCUG procedure done, but the results were negative.
What do i do? What could it be? All I’ve been able to find online is Pyloric Stenosis and Gastroenteritis and that terrifies me.

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Diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection, I now have constipation problems, bile reflux, villious athropy and stomach ulcers

I am a 50 years old woman. I am stressful sometimes because of my job and the daily problems. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with helicobacter pylori infection, I got some medications to cure it. I have now constipation problems and I also have bile reflux, villious athropy and stomach ulcers. I have daily abdominal pain. I have nausea after every lunch, every day, and it lasts until I go to bed at night. What causes this?
I don’t eat fatty and unhealthy foods.
In my country the doctors can’t help me, they don’t know what causes my symptomes and what treatments to use. The medicines/medications they gave to me are not effective. I take Lansul which contains lansoprazole, Metoclopramide and Xanax.
I want to know what causes my symptoms and what is the treatment for it or what kind of medicines should I take.
I’d appreciate if you could help.

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I have vomited every night shift in a strange way, starting to accept this vomiting as normal?

Hi, I am a 33 year old male, I work shift work, 12 hour shifts, 4 days on, 4 off, 4 nights, 4 off repeat. For the last 6 weeks approx, I have vomited every night shift, in a strange way. Always the same manor, and only when I work night shifts. The symptoms start with a cough, now I am a smoker, and I do cough, but these coughs that cause the sickness are very gentle coughs, no force, no phlegm moves, the gentlest cough one could imagine. With in seconds my mouth starts to excessively salivate and I feel nauseous. I will be sick within a few minutes, pretty violently, and will generally feel nauseous until after I have slept. I do not eat different foods when working nights, or do anything different other than the obvious, be awake at night and sleep during the day.

I do have some history with heart/chest problems and diagnosed ‘borderline diabetic’, but I don’t feel these would be a factor to consider, if you disagree I am happy to elaborate more.

I have a tendency to start to accept things, and I realised I was starting to accept this vomiting as normal. I have recently moved home and as yet, do not have a GP in this town.

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I have been experiencing upper right abdominal pain on a daily basis for 5 months, no solution from doctor?

I am a 28 year old female. I have been experiencing upper right abdominal pain on a daily basis for 5 months. I have normal bowel movements daily, no nausea, no fever, no vomiting, no other symptoms except this side pain. It ranges from a sharp, quick burning pain to a constant dull pain and happens several times throughout the day and doesn’t seem to be connected to food intake. I have had blood work done, an upper abdominal ultrasound, a breath test to see if it’s an ulcer — all came back clear. I was put on Nexium for 14 days, the pain went away on days 12,13, and 14 and I was pain free for about 5 days after and then the pains returned. My doctor wants to put me on daily Nexium without explaining what’s going on and I don’t want this to be a cover up to a real problem or a medicine I have to live on the rest of my life. If helpful, I have gained about 30 lbs over the last 8 months after switching to a desk job – this has made me about 15 lbs overweight. The only medication I take is a daily birth control pill: Lo Loestrin Fe. Any help or insight into this pain would be appreciated.

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I’m really scared something is wrong with my kidneys?

Hello! I’m a 19 year old woman and recently I’ve become sexually active. The past 4-5 months. 5 months ago when I went to get my physical done I was referred to a obgyn and my appointment is in 9 more days. I’ve been to the doctors so much I think I live there I had 4 UTI’s and BV 1 time these past months. I’ve recently been to my primary care doctor and had a urinalysis done and a swab for discharge done last month because I thought I had a uti and BV Agian. I experienced pain in my private area, had frequent urination, back pain, yellow-green discharge//no smell//no sign of std, but there seems to be no problem through the results. they still prescribed me with a penicillin type of antibiotic and I took them the right way. I’m scared something may be wrong with kidneys but couldn’t they find that through urinalysis? For the past two days I’ve now had a fishy smell now come out of my mouth when I wake up and noticed in my rectum area today (same fishy smell) IM TOTALLY A CLEAN PERSON I brush my teeth the right way everyday and take 2-3 showers a day???!. I have been having back pain still, pain in my private area. I haven’t been peeing a lot like I was. I still have a discharge since the doctor visit but there also was nothing wrong through tests swabs ….it has been coming out clumpy and somewhat dry(kind of feels like water / pus) now not yellow/green. I haven’t had sex since 2 months ago and a few weeks ago it came out green but stopped and is clumpy now sometimes very thick and white still no smell. I’m really scared something is wrong with my kidneys?! PLEASE AMSWER !my ob-gyn is in 9 days (again) I’m more worried about my kidneys.THANK YOU

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I don’t get proper motion (bowel movement) and I am hungry, don’t know what’s wrong?

My Age is 26, Couple of days back i traveled from USA to India for my wedding after 3 years. From 5 days i didn’t get proper motion as i am taking health food and i am hungry too, I am worried a lot don’t know what happened. Other than that my body condition is normal. I am drinking water too.

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I had ovarian cancer and reflux surgery I still deal with constant nausea. I can barely eat, and I am unable to live life and go anywhere?

In 2009, I had surgery to remove a very large ovarian tumor (it was a rare cancer that grew big but did not spread, so I was left with one ovary). They made a vertical cut down my entire midline from just under the breastbone all the way down past the belly button. After I recovered, I felt fine, although my abdominal muscles stuck out some, of course. In 2010, I got pregnant and had constant nausea throughout (which at the time I attributed to the pregnancy). I had a C-section in 2011. After the C-section, I still had the constant, debilitating nausea and couldn’t function. It never went away. I had an upper endoscopy done, which showed evidence of GERD (I had wearing away of the esophagus). I tried all sorts of over-the-counter and prescription meds for reflux and nausea, but none helped. A couple years later, I had a laparoscopic Nissen surgery done (which wraps the stomach around the LES to prevent reflux). The surgeon said I had a small hernia, which he did not fix since he said it was very small. I had slight improvement after my reflux surgery, but not much. I still deal with constant nausea. I can barely eat, and I am unable to live life and go anywhere. I am housebound, and at times, bedridden. I am only 38 years old. Obviously my abdominal muscles were cut in half vertically during the tumor surgery of 2009. I suspect that the pregnancy made things worse. I still have some protrusion of my abdominal muscles, as my belly sticks out, as though I am pregnant (I’m not). I’ve tried to do rehab exercises for a possible diastasis recti, but this only causes more nausea. Is it possible that a small hernia and/or diastasis recti could cause this constant nausea? Is there anything else, anatomically, that could be out-of-whack? Could the stomach be pushed out and thus not be in the right position? Is there anything that can be done to fix my constant nausea? It’s not something I can live with. (My ovarian cancer is not the cause, since I’ve been tested, and it has not come back.) Please help!

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I had gallstones, fatty liver, now blood in stools and blood in mouth?

Hi my name is (…). I’m 33 years old. I have 2 children and both times had gestational diabetes and have been overweight for most of my adulthood. I haven’t been to my family Dr in the past 6 months or so. Prior to my last visit I had upper right quadrant pain and nausea and vomiting. They did an ultrasound and I had some gallstones. The next few days I threw up blood and they concluded it was due to my frequent vomiting. Soon after, my gallbladder was removed. I was told I had a fatty liver and elevated liver enzymes and to get it checked out. My sons are 366 days apart, I never made it back for more check ups.

About a month ago, I had blood clots and blood when I went to the bathroom. The urgent care Dr said I had a hemorrhoid and the bleeding stopped a few days later.

Now I have bleeding from my rectum for 4 days, increased loss of appetite, and this morning I woke up with blood in my mouth.

Obviously I am very concerned. My husband is between jobs for the first time since 2006 and we currently do not have coverage, although in the process.

Thanks for taking the time to read and get back to me.

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My son has ADHD, Allergies and Colon issues. He is often sick but doctors don’t seem to be concerned?

My son is 11 years old, 4’11” weighs 69.8 lbs, is currently diagnosed with ADHD, his IGE is elevated and has been taking allergy shots for mold, dust mites, pollen, trees, grasses, cats, dogs, etc. His igA is present but about half the level it should be and his igG was also low. His A/G Ratio is 2.3, his Bun/create ratio is 21. His pneumococcal numbers from vaccines were low so he recently had to redo the pneumococcal shots (both the 11 and the one they give to the elderly). His urinalysis results showed mucousUrine- Present(A) andAmorphous Crystals -Few(A). Biopsies of his colon showed “a microscopic examination was done. No pathologicchangeswere noted in any of the biopsies, but there was a nonspecific finding in the random colon biopsies. Rare glands contain a few intraepithelialeosinophils in the absence of any interstitial inflammation ”

All of this has been over a number of tests. He also has been on a gluten free diet for a year as it seemed to give him severe stomache aches. Anything we should know or are missing with all of this. Each Doctor individually doesn’t seem too concerned but my son is often sick and missing school.

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I have been diagnosed with barrets esophagus and severe acid reflux, are PPIs safe for me?

I am a 58 yr old male, good overall health, except I have been diagnosed with barrets esophagus and severe acid reflux. I have been on (Proton-pump inhibitors) ppi’s the last 20 years, 40 mlg the last 6-8 years, once a day. I have been trying to go off due to what I have read recently about long-lasting side effects, esp the kidney failure, as I donated one in 1980 to my father, and have no children. I have not found anything that seems to take it’s place, and struggle with just about everything I eat and drink though. Ranitidine seems to help the best, but only short term, and I would need to take it many times per day, every day. I just had my (Blood Urea Nitrogen Test) bun(6.43) and creatinine(123.76)checked. Would it be safe to go back on ppi’s, or what would you recommend? thanks!!

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I caught Clostridium Difficile Colitis (cdiff), after antibiotics and fecal transplant I have pain, nausea and vomiting?

I am a 37 year old women who was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2008, I have been in “remission” for 5 years. After the birth of my son last December I caught cdiff and after 3 rounds of antibiotics I got a fecal transplant on October 11th. My cdiff has not returned, however I have been having a wide array of new symptoms since the transplant. Everything I eat causes extreme pain in my upper abdomen, extremely watery diarrhea 6+ times a day, constant nausea and vomiting. The nausea has gotten so bad that for the last 4 days I have been unable to keep food down and am only able to take small sips of water. I have lost 10 lbs in the past 7 days, 5 of those over the past 4 days. I have been to the er 3 times, I had a endoscopy and flex sigmoidoscopy on Tuesday and all pathologies came back normal. The only thing that came up is the z line is irregular. All of my labs have looked good as well. I get remicade infused every 8 weeks, I take zofran, phenergan, Prevacid, scopolamine patch, and Benadryl. My question is what do I do? Do I go to the er? I’m miserable, week, tired, I can’t take care of my kid and school has become impossible. Im nervous for the er, as they tend to no really believe me, and only focus on my Crohn’s, despit knowing it is in remission. Thank you in advance for any advise.

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