My Daughter is suffering brain cancer, now in deep sleep. unable to talk, what do we do now?

My Daughter 17 years old, she is suffering brain cancer GBM since 1 year, She had undergone for 3 major operation to remove the tumor. The fourth operation is to fixed shunt, now she is always is in a deep sleep. unable to talk, difficulty in swallowing the food. I wanted to know if i can move forward with further medication or what is your suggestion.

You Prompt reply will be appreciated.

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I have migraine with aura/epilepsy and osteoma ostitis, now have vision problems and numbness?

I am 27 years old (male). 7 months back I suddenly felt numbness on my left side and tingling with darkness or blindness in my left eye which lasted for about 1 min (several times a day). I did CT Scan, MRI and EEG of brain and doctor told me I have migraine with aura/epilepsy and osteoma ostitis (3.2cmX1.9 cm) on Occipital bone. Numbness was bit controlled after continuing medication but these days it is happening frequently. Currently I’m under these following medicines:

– Topiramate 50 mg twice a day
– Gabapentin 300 mg twice a day
– Pizotifen BP 0.5 mg once in a night
– Thiamine Mononitrate + Pyridoxine Hydrochloride + Cyanocobalamin. Twice a day

But 1 month back I had fever for 10 days and since then I am experiencing vision problem which are flashes of light, check pattern with lights. I cannot read on white paper and feel comfortable to stay in dark. Retina specialist has confirmed that my eyes are alright. Also I suffer from severe headache sometimes.

I am confused whether this vision problem and numbness are related to the tumor or not and what should I do now? It will be highly appreciated if I could get any suggestion from you.

** I would also like to mention here that I’m a software engineer by profession for which I need to work with PC for 8-10 hrs a day X 7 days a week.

Kind Regards,

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I have a non tender left sub mandibular lymph mode swelling,can it be cancerous??

Hiee sir,I am a dentist myself.I have a non tender left sub mandibular lymph mode swelling which is non tender. Its just palpabale the onset was sudden I don’t have any accompanying cold or anything.I have history of occasional smoking since past 4 yrs frequency less than 20 CIG per month. Can it be cancerous??

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14 year old, heart burns, acid reflex, stress, out of breath, can this be cancer or stress?

Im 14 years old I have been having abdomenal pain (around my belly button and a little up ) and nausea for the past 4 years This all started 4 years ago the day of my maths exam ..I am not allergic to any foods not medications but my mother,brother and I suffer from migraines.I have done several tests for urin faeces and for lactose these came out all negative but the faeces one came a little bit over the normal amout ( I don’t have any blood with my faeces or anything) so the doctor recommended a colonoscopy and the stomach one (I’m sorry I don’t know what it is called) the stomach one came normal and the colonoscopy showed a little swelling in the large intestine which the doctor said that they don’t know the reason behind it .. so my doctor recommended that I cut all milk products,cheese and eggs which isn t really making a difference. I also have un regular periods I have only had 3 periods in two years and my obgyn scheduled an ultrasound. I suffer as well from stess I stress for the slitest things .. since then I have been having these Heart burns and what I think is acid reflex no kind of medication worked (my father also suffers from hurt burn and acid reflux), dizziness from the smallest things like people walking and when I stand up (my doctor said that it might be low blood pressure) and since I have scoliosis i have a back brase which I think causes me to when I climb a flight of stairs I have no oxygen and can’t breath . Sometimes when I am on the bed my hearth starts racing like I after a race (my mother has heart problems since she has a hole in her heart) . So my question is if you are familiar with my case and if you have any idea of what I have?can this be cancer or is it stress? Thanks for your time ?

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Finished my breast cancer treatment, joints In my finger are red and swollen, it wakes me up all night from painful numbness?

Ok so I’m got g through the last part of my treatment for past breast cancer , herceptin every three weeks from last March until next march. I also almost two months ago just started working basically full time in a grocery store deli which is very very physically demanding. So about a month ago I started having numb tingly arms and hands I noticed my joints In my finger are red and swollen . It wakes me up all night from painful numbness ,and .my back and shoulders are always knotted up . Tplight I was rubbing the knots out of my neck and I got a little dizzy. It wentailed away but now three of my fingers on my right hand are painfully numb. I’m female , 48, I had a lumpectomy and partial node biopsy last August with good margins but a few risk factors .can u tell me what u think?

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I have lump on breast, hospital refused to do the mammogram?

I am a 26yrs old, female. I found a marble size lump in my left breast. I told my doctor and she checked. She also felt the lump. She sent me for an ultrasound and a mammogram. But when i went to the hospital, i got through the ultrasound and they said all i have is a large amount of dense breast tissue and they refused to do the mammogram on me. It’s still in a lot of pain and I’m seeking a second opinion. Can someone please explain to me what my next step should be and how to ease my breast pain i have on a regular basis?

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I have a lump on my armpit, it is growing and irritating?

27 Years Old, Male, No medical history.

Main Issue:
– Swelling type of visual on armpit
– Starting to go red and irritated
– Feels tender, almost like Puss built up

– Last week I felt I was coming up with a cold
– Friday 07 Oct 2016 I was returning home after a meeting and started to get cold shivers and bursts of hotness in my body causing sweating.
– Also had terrible cough turned flemmy quickly
– Suggesting a virus.
– I’ve taken medication (no antibiotics at this stage as this has started to improve 10 fold).

I have come to notice a few days ago a lump on my armpit and as I have started to touch it more often it’s started to grow and cause irritation. It feels tender and seems like I have some liquid built up inside. Not sure if it’s an infection or anything.

I have in the past shaved my armpits / trimmed but have never had this before.

I would much appreciate your response and suggestions of treatment.

P.S – the Image doesn’t do my description any justice but you should be able to see the red saw area near the bottom and going round to the middle. That is the location of the slight bump. It has certainly gone bigger since yesterday night but that may be because I kept feeling it and may have caused irritation.

Many thanks.


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I started getting a pulsing and gnawing sensation in my upper right abdomen?

33 year old male

I have a history of minor stomach issues – gastritis and ulcers (about 10 years ago). about 11 months ago, I started getting a pulsing and gnawing sensation in my upper right abdomen. Went through blood testing, Ultrasound, and Nuclear test and all was normal. The feeling went away quickly after. Now for the past 2 months or so, I have had a few bouts of mild to moderate stomach pain in my upper right abdomen again (a little different this time). It is persistent and consistent for 2-4 days at a time – both times were after a period of poor eating (fatty foods) as well as alcohol consumption. I do drink moderately 1-3 times a week. Other symptoms include: greasy looking loose stool (although does not float), rumbling stomach, occasional sharp back pain which comes on quick and leaves quick, burps, and bad breath/taste in my mouth. After day 1 or 2 of this, I typically switch to a bland diet of cereals, breads, etc and it goes away. Any ideas?

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I found a small painful red lump on my right breast, then found 2 more?

woman 23 years old overweight (pcos and chronic hives)
at 25/9 I found a small painful red lump on my right breast (the place between the breast and the armpit).I found that by the pain I felt .immediately I palpated the lump (the place it was ,was a bit red it was painful ,hard,was not moving under pressure).after 2 days the redness and the pain went away.todayit disapeared andI cant even feel it.yesterday I discovered two others on the right armpit (felt like swollen lymph nodes) and 2 others on the other arm the left one! (they appear ,then ,go away and appear somewhere else quickly even on a single night)additionally I got fever 37.1_37,7°c pain in the joints tiredness but no sneezing no coughing (didn’t remind me of the usual flu I get sometimes).went to hospital ,doctor palpated the place she said it did not seem to be a boil/furuncle and I had a blood test in which white blood cells were 12.700 and crp was 1.3.she said she couldn’t find the cause but obviously its a lymph nodes problem


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