I have an allergy for dust mites, now pain in back of head when I cough?

I have an allergy for dust mites and about two times a year the symptoms get much worse. Just like it did two weeks ago. But now when I cough I suddenly have to endure pain in the back of my head at the height of my right ear, but a bit more to the middle of the back of my head.

I added a photo to indicate where the pain is.

It feels like it stings me and then the pain stays for about 20 minutes. After that it slowly drifts away.
It is the worst in the morning and in the evening and it is getting worse by the day.

I am a 19 year old guy.

What is the problem?

I have neck, shoulders, back, hip and leg pain, doctor says due to menopause imbalance, need second opinion?

Hi my name is (…) I’m 58 women I take levothyroxine and menopause support and Motrin. I need to see what’s going on I been to the doctor like two times now and he keeps on telling me it my menopause imbalance but I’m not sure because my neck shoulders back hips and legs hurt I need to see what it can be and to find a specialist in Utah I hurt all the time?

After giving birth I have pain during intercourse, had first degree tear during birth?

Hi I gave birth 8 months ago and I have since had pain during intercourse. The pain is felt deep inside not where I would have any scar tissue and I also get a tightening/cramping sensation that is painful on occasion in and around the vagina after sex.
I had a first degree tear with no stitches required and I am a first time mum with no complications during birth and a normal vaginal delivery.
I am in a long term relationship and we are both clear of any STIs.

I had a disc removed ( L2) pain in my lower back has never improved?

Hi there, just over a year ago i had a disc removed ( L2), I’m fully aware of any side affects which have been slightly improved with physio, pilates and general fitness regime, however, the pain in my lower back – central and left to right has never improved,. I’ve bee back to the GP and had another ultra scan on the initial operation point but nothing found ?? no attempt was made to scan the other areas in pain. I’m not on any type of medication although i do have lots left over, morphiene, co-hydracodiene, napraxin etc. I’m in constant pain and would really appreciate your thoughts on why I’m still suffering with pain !!

I injured my leg in car accident, pain when I get up from sitting and after standing?

19, female, no medications, I was in a car accident about 5 months ago, and injured my leg. I didnt have it looked at while I was in the hospital, because I dont have insurance and assumed it would heal over time. The pain happens when i get up from sitting for a while, or bend my leg after standing for a while. The pain is in the back left of my knee, and is really sharp and spreades throughout knee and then fades after walking for a bit. Theres no swelling or anything, so I assume there are no tears and fractures. But the pain is worsening. Since I dont have insurance, is there something a doctor could definitely do?

My lymph nodes under my arm are swollen. Pain level 8. Went to ER no solution, need advice?

40 yrs old. male. No prior surgeries since 2004. on bladder/scar tissue was removed.My problem now is my lymph nodes under my arm are swollen and my muscles tighten up in my upper back and chest from time to time.Im taking Bactrim and Ibuprofen and its not working. Ive been to get blood work done and only thing I’m being told is my white blood cells are a little elevated but not buy much.Its some type of bacterial infection that won’t go away. The pain comes and goes mostly at night.Pain level is about an 8, from 1-10 and I feel horrible. I take a flexir to go to sleep. This has been issue for 3 weeks now. No appetite loss or weight loss.No weakness but I do get dizziness alot. Could you please give me your best diagnosis please. I’ve been to ER 5-6 times and EKGs are normal MRI is good Chest x-ray is good, but im having alot of burning sensation like right under the skin.

I just had my 5th spinal fusion pain right now is all muscle related, please advise?

I am a 51 year old female . I just had my 5th spinal fusion , this time C4-5 and 5-6 in Dec 16 , 2016 I am normally very active and in good physical shape . I did also a a pretty complicated 7 hour emergency lumbar fusion in August of 2016. I am in an Aspen collar for 6 weeks I have been up and active since about 3 days post op. I wear my collar all day and Dr. said I didn’t have to wear it at night , much relieved by that. However , I move around a great deal in the night and last night felt a little pop in my neck , painless . My main source of pain right now is all muscle related . Some weakness in hands , not bad , and some burning in the sides of my neck and down through shoulders to around elbows . i try to rest a little here and there during the day . However , I am particularly tired today . I have taken , with the exception of last Sat. only one pain pill most days , but not everyday . Sat . I took two during day. Sat. during the night extreme pain. i took an Oxycontin , which is a desperate measure for me . My two main questions 1: should I be wearing the collar at night ? 2: is it normal to be this tired? This operation took only about 3 hours , seemed like small potatoes after the August surgery . I am not sure that I know what it means when a Dr. says slow down , What specifically does that look like . I am a single mom , 4 kids , youngest is 11. It sounds like a lot and it is but I also have help The children are helpful too. I don’t particularly want to wear collar at night , and sometimes if i am just sitting in a chair watching TV (rare) I do take collar off . I hope this all makes sense !

I have been suffering from joint disease for 2 months?

Hello. I’m a 27-year-old woman. I have been suffering from joint disease for 2 months. About 17 days ago when i felt much better i decided to use infrared sauna because of good information about it online. I thought it would be useful for my disease. After 3 times using infrared sauna I started feeling hurt at all joints in my body. And i stopped using it after 7 times. Now i have stopped for 1 weeks. But all my joints still hurt alot. Although i never feell hurt at some those joints before. Why this happed to me? How can i make this symptom disappear? Please help

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Doctor placed an intrathecal pain pump implant for dilaudid & baclofen, is it justified?

Hi. I am a 34 year old female w/an extensive medical history. Mostly due to botched bariatric surgery & about 13 surgeries since the initial surgery in 2/2011. I ended up getting into a car accident on 5/2016 & my malabsorption (bariatric surgery that left me w/short gut, horrible absorbing of food/meds/liquid/vitamins/etc that requires numerous blood/fluid/TPN/platelets/potassium/etc transfusions & infusions) has caused me to be on VERY high doses of opiate medications + TPN mostly. My Pain Mgmnt doctor placed an intrathecal pain pump implant for dilaudid & baclofen (spelling?) to be inserted into the pump on 12/2/2016. Well, after it was placed, 2 was post-op he stated that I have to be off all opiate medicine for “3 weeks” before he’ll place the medications in my pump. How is this possible!? If I’m ok w/o pain control for 3 wks, then, why do I need a pump implanted? Does this sound like common practice to anyone else that’s a physician? My sister is an internal medicine doctor, not a pain specialist but will be going w/me to my appointment to pose these questions in January, doesn’t understand this “plan” either. Furthermore, the detox place that he had me call just as a “back up if I need inpatient care” & they said they’re not “in the business of ‘drying out someone so they can go back to the same medications & don’t really know anyone that would do that. If my plan is to stay w/him, I need to know that going into his plan, no detox place will be on that plan w/him. However, I might want to seek a 2nd & 3rd opinion.” Thank you-bye. So, my question is: Does this seem normal practice or should I find another Neuroscience/Pain Managment doctor? Thank you!

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Pain in head, neck, left arm and lower back, xray shows degeneration, here are my MRI results?

I am a 49 year old female I have been having a lot of pain in my head, neck, left arm and lower back. I had a mri done back in August of this year. I have had pain shots but they only last a day or so but the pain doesnt completely go away, just makes it more bearable. I have appointments to see a neurologist in January and a Neurosurgeon in February. I dont really understand any of what this says, a nurse practitioner is the one who order the mri done because of the headaches and numbness to 2 of the fingers on my left hand. I havent been in a car accident. xrays showed degenerative changes in my neck and back. Here are the results of the mri. If someone could tell me anything about the or the seriousness I would so greatly appreciate it.

Central disc bulging is noted at C2-C3. A small disc protrusion is noted at C3-C4 impinging on the thecal sac. At C4-C5 there is a tiny disc protrusion slightly impinging on the thecal sac. At C5-C6 there is a central disc protrusion impinging on the thecal sac. There is minimal retrolisthesis of the C5.
IMPRESSION- Disc protrusion is seen indenting the thecal sac from C3 to C6. Thecal sac appears to be flattened from C3 to C7. There is no syrinx or tonsillar herniation noted

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After lumpectomy, lymph node surgery and radiation therapy, I have stabbing pain in lower back?

I am a 49 year old female. Last December I was diagnosed Stage II Breast cancer, they found a micro- metastases in my lymph node on the affected side. I had lumpectomy and lymph node surgery in January, followed by 8 weeks of radiation, no chemotherapy. Since about April I have been experiencing a stabbing pain in my lower back, the exact same spot each time. It only lasts a few seconds and dissipates. But it recurs often, several times a day. This morning alone is has been occurring several times per hour. My medical oncologist thinks it must be muscular. is it possible to experience nerve damage in my back from lymph node surgery?

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I have debilitating shoulder pain, acupuncture, physio and doctors may have caused permanent damage?

I have been suffering with Shoulder pain on and off since I was 14 years of age (5 years). The doctors originally sent me for Physio-therapy which had no effect other than making the pain within my shoulder worse and if not anything introduced me to new pains within the same region. When I went back to the Doctors they told me what the Physio had done had actually made it worse and sent me to a specialist pain hospital to try and determine what to do. AGAIN I was sent for more Physio-therapy but to no avail as this again made it worse, but this Physio did also offer to try acupuncture, which I accepted. For 6 months after a few rounds of Acupuncture I felt a definite improvement in my shoulder but after 6 months the symptoms came back. This is when I decided to go back to my doctors and ask for more acupuncture as it seemed to have worked to some extent. The doctors I attend told me they already had a qualified GP in the Doctors who could perform acupuncture and therefore I wouldn’t need to go back to the lady I had, had previously. The woman I went to was originally very good, but one day she put a needle in around my elbow and I felt it hit the nerve as it was incredibly painful but I also felt a sudden rush of pins and needles down my arm and couldn’t feel part of my hand properly. I raised my concern with the doctor explaining that it was in the nerve to which she pushed it further and asked ‘is that through’!!! Since then my injury has become practically debilitating as its a 24hour constant plain that seems to have only gotten progressively worse, the lady also used acupuncture needles in my neck and now I get pain there which I never had before. This happened over a year ago now and another Doctor I went to see believed it was permanent nerve damage but I just wondered what you could recommend.

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I have a horrible pain in my left side every time I orgasm?

I have a horrible pain in my left side every time I orgasm. The area of the pain feels like my ovaries. I have had large cyst on my ovaries before and they went away own their own, but this has been occurring for a month now and I don’t know if I should be concerned. I am a 21 year old white female , 6’3 and 170lbs

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My father has hairy cell leukemia blood clots formed in belly, how to stop pain and clots?

My father is 53 years old, a month ago he saw some swelling and after two days he saw blood clots in his leg. he went to doctor, they said he diagnosed with superior venues thrombosis. then after further blood testing they fund out he has hairy cell leukemia. right now he is taking wafarin and enoxaprin sodium injection, but in his belly there is blood clots formed what he can do to stop the pain and clots? help us please.

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