Can I take Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tablets while having a contraception implant?

I am 50 years old and have a contraception implant. I am going through the menopause can I take HRT tablets if I have this implant. Can you please advise me I would appreciate you assistance. My blood pressure is fine and my weight is as well and just been seen by a Nurse..

I managed to get Epididymitis after a fall whilst showering?

Good afternoon. I managed to get Epididymitis after a fall whilst showering. 2 days ago. I did a short work shift afterwards in absolute agony. My question is how long would it be wise to remain at home resting until it is safe to return to work? I work in a commercial kitchen as a kitchen porter, and some degree of heavy lifting, as well as a large amount of walking around is required. My pain is still present, and severe today, with pain relief barely helping, and my next work shift is tomorrow morning. What should I do?

My mother has fibroid, gynecologist suggested removal of vagina, need second opinion?

Sir, my mother has fibroid from 2-3 years ,from 24 th feb she started bleeding and bleeding continued for 10 days due to which her haemoglobin level decreased to 4.4 , she once fainted due to such low haemoglobin so we took her to gynecologist and she immediately advice blood transfusion (4 units of blood in span of 26 hr)
Now after transfusion her haemoglobin level is 9.2
I have 2 question
Firstly i will tell you she is in completely bed rest at home from 2 days now i.e no work no walking (she used to do evening walk of 1/2 hour) no exersise and yoga.
1. After blood transfusion she is normal (apart from weekness) , doctor also gave medicine and injection to stop bleeding
Now question is she started drinking water all time after blood transfusion i.e 2 litre during night time from 10 pm to 6 am. Is this normal (nothing strange apart from this )

2.related to fibroid, what should we do next , gynecologist at 2015 suggested removal of vagina ,but my mother is afraid of doing so , hence we moved to ayurvedic doctor who gave medicine now fibroid size is reduced to 1/4 th (i think 1/2 mm now), but bleeding is getting worse as time passing -should we continue ayurved or do the operation.

I’ve been getting heavy periods , tiredness , my whole body is tender, migraines?

Hello I’m (…) age 23 , I’ve been getting heavy periods , tiredness , my whole body is tender, migraines , my left and right side of my neck starts throbbing but it comes and Goes, my eye sight goes funny , I get light headed, lower pains in my tummy, bloated , peeing a lot , I’m getting scared if it’s bad due to me having a son only 10 months .
can you please get back to me soon as possible please

I am suffering from poly cystic ovarian disease?

I am 27 years old woman having two kids. My height is 154 cm and weight 75 Kg. I am suffering from poly cystic ovarian disease.
Is there any effective treatment for this disease. Now we are trying for third child. But my periods are irregular. It is been two and half months since my last period.
I consulted doctors before, they will give tablets for 5 days to have period and it worked.
(1). should I take tablets every month to have menses? or (2) is there ant permanent solution?

I am trying to loose my weight. I don’t eat any junk food or oily foods. I do exercise regularly, but I am loosing not a bit. (3) What should I do to loose weight?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks in advance.

I am 20 weeks pregnant and I think I have a severe kidney infection?

I am 20 weeks pregnant and I think I have a severe kidney infection.
I have severe pains at the bottom of my belly on the right hand side and also at the bottom of my back on the right hand side. My urine smells quite foul and I have discharge. My midwife said if the pains don’t go then she recommends I go to the hospital and the pains are still there.

I have hormonal imbalance, I was diagnosed when I was a teenager?

Hello, I have hormonal imbalance, I was diagnosed when I was a teenager and the gynecologist prescribed me Diane 35. I also had polycystic ovaries.

Now I’m 26 and I’ve been taking the Diane for about 10 years, more or less.
I stopped the pill for about 9 months and the symptoms from the hormonal balance started so I started taking it again.
I don’t need the pill for birth control, so I looking to take something else to control the symptoms of the hormonal imbalance, which include facial hair, acne and no menstrual cycles at all.
The moment I stop the pill, my menstruation stops right that moment.

I’ve had several ultrasound tests done to check on my ovaries, it seems the Diane 35 eliminated the polycystic ovaries.
I take Diane 35 daily, except one week a month. And I take paroxetine daily.

I would really appreciate any advice and recommendation.

I have an overactive bladder, need advice?

Hi, I’m 21 years old. I saw my urologist and did an ultrasound, after the tests my doctor said I have an overactive bladder. I got it from sex with my boyfriend 5 months ago. My doctor gave me two weeks of sample packets of Myrbetriq which worked amazingly, everything finally felt normal again. But when I finished those the symptoms all came back. Since its $390 for a prescription of that my doctor put me on 5mg or Oxybutinin 2x a day. It has been 5 days and I still feel no difference. It isn’t helping at all. Will this eventually work? Or do you have any other ideas for how I can fix this? Also, are overactive bladder spasms something that will eventually go away or I’ll have this for the rest of my life? Also, I haven’t been having sex because I don’t want to make it worse, but will having sex affect this negatively?

I am a 26 year old female who has ADHD and OCD, adderall is causing some problems?

I am a 26 year old female who has ADHD and OCD. I have been prescribed adderall for almost 10 years now and I love it. Over the course of time we have has to up my dosage due to it wearing off too quickly. My current dosage is 30mg BID. Recently I have noticed that my ADHD has really gotten out of hand. I cannot think straight. I am forgetting thoughts mid sentence, starting tasks and getting distracted leaving SO many things unfinished. The list could go on but these things have left me very anxious and chaotic. I need to get back to being able to think about what I need to do and actually be able to do it instead of getting overwhelmed. I don’t want to come off adderall but was wondering if anything could be added with and be taken together? Just trying to get more information before bringing this up to my PCP who does not know a lot about treating ADHD. I don’t have good insurance and my pediatrician was originally the one who put me on adderall. My PCP now just continues to write my prescription because I was already on it when I became her patient and it has worked fine all this time. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you

After giving birth I continue to vomit 5 – 19 minutes after eating?

Hi i’m a 25 year old female. I’m trying to find out why i’m always throwing up 5 to 10 minutes after i eat anything. It all started after i left the hopital after i had my daughter. My head twitches sometimes and my right hand twitches then it feels really light and i constantly drop stuff when using my right hand. My right side of my stomach has a dull pain after i vomit and i have lower back pain sometimes and all of this is sudden.

I had yearly pap yesterday, doctor says discharge may be yeasty, frightened it is cervical cancer?

Hello I am 43, I have had regular pap smears yearly. I have had one child 20 years ago vaginally, and one 14 years ago c-section. I have always had discharge, nothing too alarming to me, sometimes, its watery, sometimes its clear, mucosy, every once in a while its thick white/light yellow. But out of a month, other than when my cycle ends, I pretty much experience some sort of discharge. I had my yearly pap yesterday, and the doctor put in speculum, then said, you have thick discharge in here, I’m going to clean it out. She cleaned it out with a big qtip, then said “i can’t tell if its yeasty or not”. She finished the pap, and that’s it. Now I looked up discharge, and all say cervical cancer. I’ve had all kinds throughout the months, but I always thought it was normal. Now I’m frightened. Any advice?

I had an ectopic pregnancy and my right Fallopian tube was removed, since then I have ovary pain?

Hi I’m a female and I’m almost 37 years old 13 months ago I had an eptopic pregnancy and my right Fallopian tube was removed and since then I have experienced bilateral ovary pain I went to the OBGYN today and express my concern about having the pain I’m also experiencing bleeding every 14 to 17 days last like a period typically would and the OB told me that it was PMS and prescribed birth control and schedule me for a follow-up ultrasound in a month. Additionally during the laparoscopic procedure for the eptopic pregnancy, they cut a window in an ovarian cyst that was the size of a lemon on my left ovary. the doctor that I saw today seemed disinterested in helping me identify why was in pain and very quick to say that it was PMS I’m just not OK with that reply, nor am I OK with being put on birth control. I have a history of migraine and estrogen aggravates them. When I asked about it he said I would be fine. I’m not intending for this to be a gripe session against the doctor I’m really truly looking for someone to provide some form of guidance as they’ve been in pain now for 13 months and I am really at my Wit’s End and I really need some help any suggestions will be welcomed and I’m very thankful for your time also I had to talk into a microphone because my texting on my phone is horrible so I apologize in advance for the lack of punctuation and possible duplicate word speak

I have anterior wall interstitial uterine fibroid I don’t want surgery but scared to lose uterus?

i am 43 female and i am single no kids i have Anterior wall interstitial uterine fibroid measuring 3.9X3.8 cm and i don’t feel any Symptoms yet and my period Regularly. i don’t want surgery and i am scared to lose my uterus can i know ur opinion ?