I have been experiencing memory problems for the past couple months?

Hello my name is (…) I am a 20 year old male and I have been experiencing memory problems for the past couple months I have I am taking numbers of one I’ve never seen Dr. fine I just wanted to see if you guys could help give a diagnosis it started out that I missed placed small things and I couldn’t remember where I put them now it’s gotten to the point that I can’t remember names I’ve missed placed my ID couldn’t find it someone else found it for me and I can’t remember important dates important times I don’t want to go out because it’s in embarrassing not remembering who you’re with and what you’re doing

I have suffered from severe headaches and migraines for years?

I have suffered from severe headaches and migraines for years and quite recently I have started to have constant buzzing in my ears and, when I am walking, I can hear something in my head as though something is clicking or tapping against my skull. I can’t seem to place where the clicking or tapping is occurring but I can hear it and I am wondering if my headaches and migraines are being caused by something in my head. It sounds like fingernails tapping against each other in my head and only occurs when I am walking.

Should this be something I should be concerned about?

Hit my head, MRI indicates white matter hyperintensities?

I had severe headache stay for two weeks which started after when my forehead hit with piece of wood. Then i have done MRI in which report says white matter hyperintensities found. some time i feel hard to remember new task and feel sleepy even after 8 hour sleep.
please tell me what are these white matter hyperintensities and how can we cure it. what is the side effects of i.

I have felt sensations of tachycardia to the head?

Hi. I’m male and I’m 20 years old. I have a history of. For some months, I have felt feelings of isolated punches in my head that cause me pain, or a sensation of tachycardia in the form of a punch to the head, which causes disorientation, blindness, loss of senses and sensation of cloudiness. I was asked to take the following exams: Ecg has incomplete right bundle branch block . Ecocadiogram is normal. And Tomography of crany found unilateral sinusitis.

What you advise me.

Lately I have a very funny feeling in my chest almost like a soft shock?

I have a question. Lately I have a very funny feeling in my chest almost like a soft shock. It feels as if I walk to hard (as if I jumped). Even when I sit down to hard, I will get the strange feeling. I did have a disck fusion about 6 years ago between the T2 and T3. I do have an ulcer and take medication for it.

It started about a few weeks ago with a strange pain in my left arm. Deep inside my arm, not the bone the flesh. I took Arcoxia for 7 days, it did help a little bit, but for the last week I get this strange feeling as well. It sound so stupid but I now walk slowly, sit down slowly to avoid getting the feeling. It’s not sore. I’m always to scared that its something with my heart – dont have heart problems as far as I know. I’m 51 years old (female). My tyriod were removed 26 years ago. Do take euthyrox 0.1mg. I did loose a lot of weight unintentially the last 2 years, but I am at a reasonable weight for my height. Last time I tested my thyriod it was very unactive, although I am skinny.

Neurologist says minor narrowing in arteries, or is it a stroke, need second opinion?

male adult age 42, bipolar, sudden partial vision loss,after seeing something explained as 2 shooting stars one day in his eye and next day a terrible headache thirteenth day had grayish rainbow arch like line in his vision. after seeing eye doc was informed he had a stroke that effected his eye(right retinal artery branch occlusion) and now has permanent eye damage, followed up with family doc, did blood work and had ultra sound of heart and carotid arteries followed up with neurologist. who informed him he had some minor narrowing in arteries and they do not feel he had a stroke and order more test and was told not to worry put him on aspirin and cholesterol med cause that was little high. also has unexplained facial dropping on one side that comes and goes. mri and cat scan order only get tests in about two weeks. After going and getting test results from doctors find out that they suspect occlusion of right internal carotid artery , elevated velocities constint with 50 -69% stenosis in left internal carotid artery and 10 -49%stenosis of external carotid arteries bilaterally. also is to follow up with neuro in 4 weeks. Is it just me or is this neurologist doc dropping the ball. Should he go see another .

I have pain in my back and chest, the pain is unbearable and I can’t sleep?

My age is 64 ,male .My pain is for 8 months now ,i did all mri’s scanner but nothing went obvious.The doctors said it is nerve and i am taking lyrica 75mg 2tablets morning and two at night.My pain is in my back and turn to my heart that i feel my boobs burning.
the pain is unbearable and no sleep ,i have been taking lyrica for two months now

My Mother gets head spins vision gets black or blurred?

My Mother gets this head spins, small head spins during daytime, I hold her head firm until spinning is gone, she wears collar too when her head gets spinning, now head spins occur during sleep and are long and vision gets black or blurred, a general physician gave her cinnarizine tablets for these head spins, it did work but now it does not so often. And to mention that after these head spins she feels vomiting too but it does not come.
Age 55+
Weight 75+
Height 5ft 8 inch

I am a 31 yr old woman, feeling constantly tired all the time it’s putting my family on the line?

Hi there, I’m a 31 year old woman and don’t know what is wrong with me but i am constantly tired all the time and the more sleep i have the worse it gets. I sleep for days a time and cannot keep my eyes open, i have iron tabletsbut no change and it is affecting my partner and children and is putting my family on the line please help

My right hand and foot have been numb I can’t move and it’s painful?

I am a 24 year old female college student, I am a bit over weight but losing. I have no serious physical health problems, no diabetes or anything. I do sometimes get lower back pain, right shoulder pain and other aches and pains in my legs and have broken a few of my fingers in different ways from being clumsy. The past two weeks my right hand and foot have been numb. I can still feel hot and cold, but they have a strange tingling feeling that feels like when your foot falls asleep. I tried to do some stretching, and since I thought it was a pinched nerve I was doing some stretches to relieve that. This has only made it worse, it has turned from feeling just numb and uncomfortable to feeling tight and painful. Over my ribs on the same side (right) feels really tight, so combined with my leg and shoulder/arm, it feels like I can’t move and it’s painful to do anything. It’s only progressively gotten worse since it started. I’m not sure what I should do to get help with this problem, should I call my doctor, go to a chiropractor, or go to the emergency room?

4 year old child loses conscious every 3-4 minutes and losing sensation on side of body?

hello, my family friend’s 4 year old child is suffering a problem. He loses conscious every 3-4 minutes which lasts for few seconds. Its been on going for more than a year. Hes seen doctors but since they life in a country where the medicine isnt advanced, they are not getting satisfying answer. He has also started losing a little sensation on one side of his body

I have a stiff neck a stomach that doesn’t digest and swollen eyes?

Hi. I have no allergy, some diabetes and heart problems ( grand parents). I have a stiff neck a stomach that doesn’t digest ( want to vomit up to 6 hours after eating) and my eyes are very swollen from the morning for at least 5 hours. This started 3 days ago just after my periods finished. Also some pain and discomfort in the chest a few times a day. Can you please advise. I am a smoker, 31 years old born in Niger and (living) in London.

I have pain throughout my body, I don’t know what it is?

It all started from the age 19, i had pain on my knee,left/right suppose right knee and the after few days it circulated to my right elbow then to the left elbow and then to the left knee and the pain vanished. It kept occurring in about 2 weeks, then slowly the pain started increasing it started hurting from my knee below, the circulation occurred and vanished. I used to apply gel and bandages because i thought its jus the normal pain. It continued and almost after 2 years or so the pain started getting extreme and the whole leg and hold hand started paining. I realized its not usual pain so i went and checked, because it started from the knee they inspected my bones and all my results were clear. After going to few doctors they said its not a bone problem may be nerves, i went to check again and they suspected it to be arthritis but since nothing could be seen on my bones they weren’t sure about it. The pain now attacks my whole leg and my lower back, if my hand then whole hand my upper back. Many times i have had very severe pain throughout my body and i freeze i cannot move anything and if i do it hurts even more. I feel like someone is poking me with a very sharp thing all over my body, all i do is take a painkiller and sleep. Once when it was paining so much i happened to take 3 painkillers in the difference of an hour and my face started swelling like an allergic patient and i was rushed to the hospital and given allergic stuffs which cooled it down i just wanted the pain to cool down so i took unknowingly that these things might happen. I don’t know what it is and haven’t figured it out. Do you have any idea?i am 27 now.

23 years old Multiple sclerosis (MS) patient for about 10 years, is medication necessary?

My girlfriend is 23 years old and has been a MS patient for about 10 years. Her first MS attack happened when she was 14. It was in her right eye. The second one happened when she was 20 and it was in her left eye. After the second attack she was prescribed to inject a drug called CinnoVex which Iranian version similar to Avonex. You can find information about CinnoVex in the link below.

She used CinnoVex until recently. But the injections are painful and with some minor side effects. Then a few month ago she had an MRI and based on that there was no sign of MS plaques in her brain. But her doctor says that it is better for her to continue her medication as a preventive measure. The doctor has changed her drug to another one which is called Cinnumer. This one is just made in Iran and you can see its information in this link.

The question that I have is: should she take this medication even though she is ok at the moment? Some other doctor’s here say that it is not necessary, but her own doctor which is very famous in MS field believe that she needs to be under medication for the rest of her life. We are kind of confused and would appreciate some expert opinion to help us make the best decision in this situation. Thank you all and sorry for my bad English.