Male, 53, heavy drinker and smoker. My brother’s left shoulder blade has had a stabbing pain for two weeks. Radiates down left arm, very painful getting worse every day. Has no insurance, has not been to a doctor in many years. Today his arm is numbing and left hand no feeling. Need to find some way to get him to a doctor because he will not go. Perhaps if I knew what it could be it would help get him there.
Hello, I’ve been ill for two years. It started with facial paralysis, a bad earache, parotitis and meningitis. Then later I was crossing the street wearing a heavy backpack and felt something weird in my neck and left hip. I had a painful neck and painful sacral area so severe that I went to the Er twice to make sure nothing was broken. Heavy sweating, tremors and spasms started along with blurred and double vision.
Turns out I have Lyme disease. Treating it has been really scary because the symptoms have not yet gone away, so I’ve been trying to figure out other answers while I continue to treat Lyme.
The symptom I am most concerned about is neck weakness and arm shaking. My head moves around on its own and when I bend my head I get either Lhermitte’s sign or my spine will twitch out of place. I also have tremor after movement, like an aftershock. I get this in small areas, like my forearm, or large areas; like when I move my leg my head will bounce around. For some part of every day I have tremors in most of my body including my trunk and legs. My neck gets very tired and my jaws also get tired if I talk, so I can’t do either for very long, maybe ten minutes or so. I have severe vertigo because of the head titubations and my face pulls to one side.
I’ve had numerous consults with neurologists who do neuro exams and pronounce that I’m fine and state that they can’t explain the other symptoms. One suggested I have a vestibular disorder.
My question is, is it possible that on top of the Lyme my symptoms could be caused by damage to my cervical or lumbar spine? Could my spine have twisted to give me tremor, vertigo, titubation etc? Or is it all caused by the Lyme? I’ve had MRIs of brain, cervical and lumbar regions and have disc bulges and herniations at every level. I did consult with a neurosurgeon who stated that the herniations were not a problem, but serious muscle twitches and radiculopathy started right after the event with my neck. I’m concerned that my condition is permanent or untreatable.
Im 24 female i have a history of depression i take hydrocodone because i fractured my spine. My vision seems to be skipping. Say for example if you did a 360 with a camera around the room it would skip or kinda like when ur watching a movie and the cd is scratched so it skips scenes. When this happens it throws me off from what im doin its scary and i kinda have to stop for a few seconds to regroup its only skips for about 3 or 5 seconds bt as i get older it happens more frequently and it scared me
Hi, I’m 16 years old and from Denmark.
So, I’ll try my best to write in English. I’ve since spring this year experienced 5 time periods on a week each were I have been out of myself.
Half of the times it has been after drinking alcohol and other times just randomly.
In these 7 days were I’m having ‘this thing’ I at first feel really confused. It feels like my normal knowledge and polish has been left outside of a box i’m trapped in. I can’t figure anything out and I feel like i’m dreaming all the time: when people speak to me/or when i’m speaking to people, i do not seem to signal it all the time and i can actually end up answering with mumble.
I feel stupid basic and frustrated, because i can’t figure out why my brain won’t work and why I don’t seem to solve the normal stuff like knowing what time it is, putting on lipstick, finding stuff and even just figuring out how to speak without speaking in haze and feeling like i’m just dreaming. In the end of the period it’s the hardest: i’m so tired and i do not care about anything, because i’m tired of fightig my brain to stay ‘clever’ – i fall asleep almost every hour no matter where, and end up taking a day off because i just can’t take it anymore and i have to sleep, so i do not feel like i’m living in a world i can’t figure out how to live in.
I almost feel drunk, just in 7 days.
I’ve had an MR-scan but it didn’t show anything
29 female.. Had a stroke on the brain in 2012 its 2016 i cant get no more than 5 hours of sleep a day.. I stay mad.. See everything backwards then i see them the right way. Anxiety out the roof.. Dont wanna do anything please help
I am a 18 year old girl who has been suffering for pressure and pain behind eyes for almost three years. At first it came in periods during the day, but for five months now it has been a constant paind varying between weak and moderate. It is at its worst when I wake up (which makes my mood negatively effected by this) and when I lay flat down. It also hurts severely when concentraiting, and especially when looking up.
I have had no surgeries or been diagnosed for any sicknesses before. I do not have any other symptoms except from getting tired of the pressure, making me having to sleep on daytime.
Do you know what this could be?
I have lost my libido since I used Accutane (Istretonoin) to cure my acne. It has been more than 5 years now since I took a 4 month course of isotretonoin. I still get some sexual feelings but they are forceful and seems like there is not much connection between my brain and penis as I don’t get a complete arousal and my erections are soft and I lose them within few seconds. I did penile doppler test as well and physically everything seemed to be alright. I eat healthy, exercise regularly, don’t smoke nor drink even my fertily is fine as I got my girlfriend pregnant the first time we had sex but I didn’t enjoy much as I was not fully aroused sexually and was trying to force myself to feel it. I have morning woods a few times a week maybe twice but that too soft erections before I used to have hard erections every morning when I woke up. For the last 5 years I never had those kind of erections which I used to have during my teenage days. I am just 26 years old now. Please doctor I need your help, as I told you physically I am fine but the problem is I don’t get sexually aroused much naturally and have soft erections. What should I do to get complete sexual arousal if I see something sexual or while getting intimate with my partner and get hard erections? What supplements (medical or herbal) or treatment should I use to cure and solve my problem? I think a urologist or a neurologist can answer my question properly.
Hi. I’m 34 guy. I have been having some symptoms that are of great concern to me like chills (that feel like they hurt my bones), bad shakiness that can be in my hands legs or torso, extreme and when I do I wake up every 45-60 min sweating and in terror (Like a night terror but when I remember they dreams they aren’t bad), sometime I hallucinate sights and sounds (maybe from lack of sleep), and when I eat regardless of what I develop a burning sweat like a sunburn, not like eating spicy food. I tried different diet and nothing has worked. The last blood test I had showed my thyroid level as 9.43 and I had was told I’m slightly anemic but none of the tests showed anything except that my stored iron was high but my iron level was good. At the same time I injured my neck and have developed a stabbing sensation then feels like an electric shock to the right of my spine. Every time I have gone to the doctors office or emergency room they treat me like I am looking for pain medication even though I state I don’t want any I want help and a diagnosis. These symptoms have been going on for 6 months or more but my previous doctors told me it was in my head or referred me to a specialist who said it wasn’t their field and I got ping ponged back and forth between my general doctor and random specialist. I just moved to a new state and am trying to find a general doctor, I’m on Medicaid so it’s not easy. Many times they label me as seeking pain medication even tho I specifically tell them I don’t want it, I want help and a diagnosis. Some doctors have suspected an autoimmune disease. I have lost a great deal of muscle and strength. From being a construction working carrying 50+lbs of materials to not being able to carry my small children at times. Can someone please help me? Is their something I’m doing wrong, or a better way to talk to a general doctor about my problems where they won’t treat me poorly? I’m going insane from all of this and don’t know what to do about it.
I am a 20 girl .
I have a problem. Both sides of my face near the nose to the eyes twitch a lot, my nose twitches as well, my eyes aslo twitch.I have that in 8 years .Recently, i went to many neurologists in vietnam.but i recieved different results.The one said that i have face tics .The other one said that i had blephorspam.I have the blood test already to make sure that i dont lack of : magie or kalie,…The result of my blood test is normal, nothing problem in this.I have drank medecine in 3 months but it is still not better at all.I read on the internet that boxtox can help my problem.Can doctor tell me what kind of my problem, do i need to have mrai, and in my situation, can boxtox help .I dont have stress, when i am relax, it is aslo twitch
Thank you doctor a lot
I’m a 38 year old male. No real known health issues other than high cholesterol 239 total. I’m 5’8 172 lbs. I’m not a smoker or drinker. Around August and September I started to feel little more tired and legs felt heavy. I started also to have this disequilibrium or off balance sensation during time of walking. Dr said was alergies so he put me on fluticasone nasal spray. Really didn’t help so next was meclizine and didn’t help either. Well on November 4th I went to ER cause urgent care dr thought maybe I had appendicitis. . Went to ER and did ultra sound of abdomen and blood work. Ultrasound was normal and blood work didn’t show any infection so sent me home and follow up with my dr. I did so in 3 days, sent me to gastroenterologist and did a hida scan. Before the scan, I got 2 rashes, small, one on my back and then on mid stomach. My Dr said it was shingles. I was in bed for 2 weeks cause I felt so bad with no energy. Not really any pain. Went to see another dr cause I was so exhausted and energy. He looked at my rashes and said it wasn’t shingles.. did more blood work.. tested be for HIV etc.. came bk and i tested positive for HSV1 virus of 13.54..I am still very exhausted and tired and seem to not be able to get any energy. Went bk to dr, another dr, did more blood work, tested for lyme disease, rocky mtn spotted fever, b12, all came bk negative. I had a EBV AB VCA OF 179.0. And AN EBV NUCLEAR ANTIGEN AB 443. I’m still weak, exhausted, depressed and worried. Just really no answers..tested for hepatitis and all negative. Please help.. anxiety is out to roof.
Hi, I am a 20 year old female. I have been having some interesting symptoms lately. I have Undifferentiated connective tissue disease. In August, I had a Brain MRI done. I see some white dots on the mri and was wondering if they are significant. Recently in the past 3 weeks, my arm has been going numb at night and my fingers on the right hand are spastic. They are seized up towards the palm of my hand. Any insight towards this mri would be great. I can only upload 1 picture but can upload more if needed. Thanks
23/female/pcos/ Topomax 100mg/cryselle. I have had migraine headaches since March of this year. I went to a neurologist who did a mri without contrast and it came back normal. He put me on Topomax 100mg which simmered it to headaches every day, every other day bad headache and 1-2 times a week severe migraine. No pain killers can even help decrease the pain. I have blurred vision, disoriented, slurred speech, fever, weakness, elevate white blood cells, nausea, vomiting, vertigo. So many symptoms I can’t name them all. Nothing is helping me and my neurologist isn’t helping at all. I need answers and I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t take this. I need answers. Especially after today because I honestly think I had a seizure.
20 year old female. Having 8/9 recognized seizures in the last 6 months. In the last 2 months having abnormal headaches. ( never having such weird headaches so often before) headaches include a foggy feeling, pressure under the eyes, tingling face and tingling eyes drowsiness, shaky eyevision/ dizziness. Chestpain/ rapid pulseThese headaches could last either a few secconds possibly having multiple times a day and go away or all day. There was a 3 week period where it happened every day. Ontop of these headaches, since the seizures have started hair loss is a lot more noticeable, short term meory has gotten from decent to horrible, and once in a while very rare ocasion will i have a state of weakness where my arms will feel like jelly and something that i normally would be able to do wouldnt be able to do. On anti seizure drugs. What could be causing all of these symptoms? Are the headaches possibly seizure related? Or caused by the meds? Could the anti seizure meds ( carbamazepine) have anything to do with any of the symptoms that i am having? Or do the meds have nothing to do with any of it?
Female, 24. Symptoms include flashes in the left eye plus a shadowy ripple effect flutter in the deep left bottom corner in the same eye, flashes occur about 20 times a day and the flutter doesn’t go away. Eye pain as well and sometimes severely, horrible head aches that make me cry actual tears. I always feel tired like I don’t get enough sleep. There are nights when I will sleep through the entire night. Or I have nights when I wake up about every hour and a half, almost exactly. My legs and feet always sore, it feels most insense when I lay down. I will randomly get very bad bladder pains. It feels like the actual lining of my bladder is being attacked. It just gets very painful and no matter how I sit or lay it hurts, I haven’t figured out a way to soothe it yet for when it does happen. I get dizzy at times, especially in heat. It’s most intense in the shower, to where I don’t even attempt to stand anymore. With this being said, I have been seen, however I am more looking for a second opinion on what to do. I was seen by a retina specialist who was suspicious of retina detachment or damage to the ocular nerve. Long story short he found zero damage to both. So I was referred to a neurologist. I got a MRI of the brain and cervical spine. The cervical spine was normal, and the brain was normal with one exception. It says on the report that there is a 1.8 cm left maxillary sinus cyst. the doctor did not explain what that is to me, nor did anything for me. I have no follow up or anything either. Wouldn’t a cyst almost an inch big inside a head strike a concern?
Male. 57 years old. 205 lbs
For a month or so , multiple times a day both arms begin to tingle starting in my shoulder and moves down to my hands like my arms have fallen asleep. Sometimes it is just my right arm and the sensation is always stronger in my right arm. It happens no matter what position my body is in ; I.e. Sitting up, lying down , walking etc
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