I have experienced headache/ migraine at least 3 days a week for the past 5 years?

I am a 23 year old female and have experienced headache/ migraine at least 3 days a week for the past 5 years. I got the depo provera shot at 18 and only completed 2/3 in the series. I had unbearable headaches daily and could not exercise. I smoked illegal substances for 4 years and quit 4 months ago. I cut out caffeine completely, yet, I still get headaches almost daily. My GP told me to eat a balanced diet, exercise and drink water regularly.

I am a full time student so I look at white boards/ phone/ computers at least 5 hours a day. I get dizzy, tunnel vision, and sometimes nauseous. I only use albuterol when needed. Recently, I saw an optometrist at Walmart and told her about my light sensitivity. She concluded that I have 20/20 vision, but prescribed me a light prescription for glasses (+.25 and +.50-.50 x 017). I started wearing them less than 24 hours ago and it has given me a massive headache. I can see when I focus, but when I am driving (need to look around quickly) I get dizzy and have a headache for over 6 hours. I take the glasses off, and it takes my vision a good 10 minutes to return to normal.

I am very frustrated and in pain and will be working 32 hours of clinicals all of 2017 and cannot risk having daily headache/ migraine while I am trying to learn and earn my degree.

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I am a 21 year old female, previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I have developed a muscle spasm that resembles a tic along my right arm?

I am a 21 year old female, previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder that is occasionally accompanied by symptoms similar to psychosis, though missing several of the common symptoms associated. Recently, I have developed a muscle spasm that resembles a tic along my right arm. The entire arm is effected, usually starting in either my hand or my shoulder. I can supress the sensation, which is remarkably similar to a body rush, but it always ends in some form of spasm.

It seems that it strikes at random, sometimes hitting during times of stress, while at other times there is not a major stressor to be identified. I have never had a problem with twitches, tics, or any similar conditions.

What does this sound like to you?

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I suffer from a neurological disease (CMT disease), if I get my ankle fused would I walk properly?

Hi, I suffer from a neurological disease (CMT disease) and one of my symptoms is foot drop. I’ve tried all kinds of braces to help walk but find them all uncomfortable. I was wondering if getting my ankle fused would help with my foot drop and keep my foot lifted to walk properly without a brace? I also wanted to know about getting my big toe “pinned” because my toe also drops and is a problem when walking. Would pinning it keep it from dropping? Thanks.

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I’ve been having terrible heart palpitations, ended up in the ER, Please help me?

I’m a 38 year old female. Since September I’ve been having terrible heart palpitations. A couple of times I ended up in the ER because I couldn’t get them to stop. They leave me weak, nauseous, and very scared. I’ve had an echocardiogram done (showed a small amount of fluid around me heart that they aren’t worried about), a Holter Monitor (showed sinus tachycardia and occassional PACs/PVCs), lots of bloodwork (everything is normal), and a ton of EKGs. I’ve been put on a 40mg of Inderal twice a day, magnesium, fish oil, and Ativan as I’m being told anxiety plays a part. The only thing I’m anxious about are these episodes! Nothing is helping and Saturday night I was back in the ER after almost blacking out due to my heart going crazy for over 30 seconds. Today I still feel fatigued, weak, and nauseous with a bit of chest pain. I can’t even eat anything. Please help me. It seems like no one is taking me seriously. this can’t be “normal and perfectly harmless” like they are saying.

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I’ve suffered from episodic ataxia type 2 all my life?


I’m a 25 year old female and for the last 10 months I’ve suffered from chronic dizziness. I’ve experienced tremor in my left hand – most noticeably in the little finger and finger besides that one – for about a year. I also have increasing fatigue, aching and burning muscles, pressure in my left ear, mild swelling on the left side of my face, blurred vision and tearing in the left eye, and increasing muscle weakness. Today I’ve noticed the tremor has spread to my right hand, and I have an ongoing pulse-like spasm on the left side of my stomach, just below my belly button. I’ve been seeing a neurologist who believes I’ve suffered from episodic ataxia type 2 all my life (I’ve had vertigo attacks every 4 months since I was born). But as this kind of ataxia isn’t degenerative he’s struggling to understand what could be causing the rest of my symptoms. I’ve had an MRI which was clear for lesions etc and they don’t think it’s MS, but I’ve had to leave my job as I can no longer work a full day. I am now thoroughly miserable, and no-one can tell me what’s damaging the nerves to such an extent that I’m dizzy constantly, and the muscle weakness and fatigue are increasing – with particular pain in my neck and at the base of my skull. I’ve had my thyroid tested in the standard tests, and a vitamin panel done, and that all seems normal – but I do have a benign nodule in my thyroid which showed up on an ultrasound I had taken of the left side of my face and neck. The doctors think that because my levels are normal though, this isn’t the culprit.

I’m seeing my neurologist again next week but I want to come armed with some knowledge, because I have no idea where to look for next for answers. I feel like my life has been stolen away, and I just want a diagnosis. If any of these symptoms sound familiar to anyone, please get in touch and let me know. I just need to know where I should be looking – I know something has gone wrong in my body, I just don’t know where!

Many thanks in advance for your help.

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I have dizzy spells, my body shakes, feels as if someone is driving a knife into my brain

I have dizzy spells a lot if I don’t sit down immediately I’ll black out. My body shakes kinda like a seizure. I cannot control it. And nerves in my head tighten up like feels as if someone is driving a knife into my brain. I’m 23 I have got dizzy and blacked out in the past I think it started yet junior year of high school. But like my vision would be black but I could hear my self falling but couldn’t feel a thing what’s going on?

I have been experiencing headaches that are throbbing primarily in the back/top of my head?

My name is (…) im 25, I have been experiencing headaches that are throbbing primarily in the back/top of my head sometimes it will travel to my forehead and eyes, I been having dizzy spells, being forgetful and sometimes it’ll stop me in me right in my track, joint paines in my wrists knees ankles and underside of feet usually follows by a shock like pain traveling though out the areas. I have troubling sleeping most nights and sometimes I get these cold chills. This has been going for a few months and doesn’t seem to get better. Could someone tell me what they think it could be?

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I have abdominal pain, hallucinations, arm pain, leg pain and shaking?

13, female, only surgery :age 4 skull fracture (back of head)
Started October 15
abdominal pain
hallucinations (3) (ended after rest)
arm pain
leg pain
hard time walking
hard time reading
chest pain (ended after took Ibprofen)
throat pain (ended after took Ibprofen)
red patches of skin on thy (right thy) (ended after 2 days)
nausea (puked 9 times)
fast heartbeat
Meds I have taken since symptoms started
ibprofen (20)
menstrual complete (10)
allergy meds (20)
pepto bismol (1)

I feel randomly extremely hot and then randomly extremely cold, getting worse?

Hi! My name is (…) I’m a female and 18 I’m 5’5 and 145lbs. As I know of I don’t have any medical problems except migraines that I am on medication for and have been for almost a year. Just these past months randomly I’ve felt nauseous, constipated, dry mouth, dizziness, light headed, headache, tunnel vision, weakness, shortness of breath, randomly extremely hot and then randomly extremely cold. This week it has been like this everyday and seems to get worse each day! Any ideas what it could be?

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I hurt my back dead lifting, I had sciatica in both legs. This lasted for two years, my symptoms now got real bad?

Hi, I’m a 27 year old male, healthy and fit. I hurt my back in 2010 deadlifting, the doctor thought it was either a herniated or bulging disc, I had sciatica in both legs. This lasted for two years, my symptoms got real bad, it was almost the exact description of cauda equina where I would feel like I don’t have control over my bowels and urine though I never lost control of either. I would feel like I have to urinate all the time along with the sciatica pain. Then after 2 full years I was given an MRI, it was negative. I started physical therapy and the sciatica went away. Now 6 years sicne the injury I am still having abdominal issues. My abs cramp up and it feels at times like my stomach is protruding towards the top and other times at the bottom. Then at times it goes flat. Even then though it feels like my stomach or intestines are spasming. I pass bowel movement too often and sometimes have diarhea through not common. I feel like I have to go pee even after i go pee at times. This is also causing erectile dysfunction i.e. I don’t get an erection easily and cannot maintain it long enough for intercourse. MY lower abdominal area feels like it’s spasmed. I was diagnosed with stiff hamstrings, stiff hip flexors (psoas major) and a possible tear in my rectus abdominus at some point which has been repaired with scar tissue making it stiffer than usual. I am working on stretching regularly to build more flexibility. The lingering issues are: stomach prortudes after urinating and showering for a few minutes, trouble getting and maintaining an erection, lower abs feel like they are spasming (stomach/intestines), there is a belt across the lower abs that feels tender to the touch almost as if it’s torn and everything under it feels like it’s spasming. I don’t know what to do, is my rectus abdominus causing all this? Is it torn? what should I do?

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Suffered multiple concussions, now having headaches, nausea and vision issues?

Hello, I’ve had about 5 concussions within the past three years. The first at a concert hitting a sold metal bar at speed and knocking myself on conscious. At the time i never had an MRI because i was never told that you should by the first aider. Second was in a little bump in the car (i got hit by the wing mirror at speed). Third to fifth i was just clumsy each time and saw a GP for each. My problem now is that i’m finding with each concussion it takes smaller and smaller knocks to cause a problem. Now very small bumps to the head or if i move my head forward fast i start getting very bad symptoms to that of a concussion. I have also been having vision problems the past year where if i look at an object it looks like its moving in and out ‘breathing’ and if there are patterns on the wall or floor the pattern will move inwards on itself. I don’t know if the concussions and vision issues are related. I jolted my head forward yesterday and felt it move inside my head. I’ve been having extreme headaches and some nausea since but haven’t seen a DR yet. I should mention i did head bang quite a lot when i attended concerts. So i’m just asking for advice on what could be happening and any info would be great thanks. Age 21, Female.

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I feel numbness in my legs, legs are cold or hot, numbness in my left cheek, can hardly move fingers?

Hello, 40 years male having recurrent (happening a few times during the day – and night as well); episode will last for just one minute – no longer than that – during this time I feel very weak in my left side – lower lip drops – can’t talk – speech is slurred – feel numbness in my legs and have various sensations all over my body – including feeling legs are cold or hot – feeling numbness in my left cheek – left side of body very weak – can hardly move fingers – however I can walk un-aided and raise my arms & hold things; after one minute back to myself – though numbness does not go away.

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My husband is 29 and has facial paralysis, may be developing synkinesis, what can be done next?

My husband is 29 and has facial paralysis. It started in January 2016 when he noticed that he was having issues closing his eye, that it was slowing down, not blinking the same as the other etc. he also said that when it all started his ear (on the side of the paralysis) was bothering him, itching him – not the inside of the ear, but the outside the pinna…

After going to the hospital and seeing a neurologist and maxillofacial specialist, it was determined that he facial paralysis.

Since then, he has done different types of therapy: he first had injections of Vitamin B and was taking B12 vitamins for a long time; he’s done a couple of rounds of physical therapy (lasting between 2 weeks to 1 month) where they did among other things a magnetic band, massage and other treatments and he was practicing at home, blowing bubbles, chewing gum, etc.

He’s also done a few rounds of acupuncture.

He took minimal breaks between the treatments, with the longest break being during the summer. He’s gone to check-ups with the initial specialist and with the physical therapist, who haven’t given much information, except maybe to wait a bit before starting something else or to continue doing acupuncture.

He’s also done lab work – checked his thyroid, regular bloodwork, an MRI and all the results have come back ok. The specialist said that he doesn’t believe it is virus-related since there were no other signs of a virus present in the body. He hasn’t done any recent lab work – all of this was at the beginning.

He is continuing to have problems and claims that everything is getting worse – he is having greater problems with his eye and is using eye drops, but his eye waters, has trouble closing it; also has issues when he drinks or eats and I believe he may be developing synkinesis or something similar because he will show me how if he moves one part of his face, his cheek with also go up..

so, my question is what is a next step that he could try or what else can he do in order to help improve it or at least stop the paralysis from getting worse?

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Finished my breast cancer treatment, joints In my finger are red and swollen, it wakes me up all night from painful numbness?

Ok so I’m got g through the last part of my treatment for past breast cancer , herceptin every three weeks from last March until next march. I also almost two months ago just started working basically full time in a grocery store deli which is very very physically demanding. So about a month ago I started having numb tingly arms and hands I noticed my joints In my finger are red and swollen . It wakes me up all night from painful numbness ,and .my back and shoulders are always knotted up . Tplight I was rubbing the knots out of my neck and I got a little dizzy. It wentailed away but now three of my fingers on my right hand are painfully numb. I’m female , 48, I had a lumpectomy and partial node biopsy last August with good margins but a few risk factors .can u tell me what u think?

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