I have had a back problem for about 12 months now. I injured it by falling off a horse and landing on my feet. Since then I have been getting horrendous pain in my lower back. Making it difficult to walk and do day to day things. I also get shooting pain and numbness down my leg. Recently I have been having a problem with my tailbone and it is painful and it makes it worse when I stand up or lean back in a chair or when I am riding.
I have been to numerous doctors and specialist who diagnosed me with a slight slipped disc between L4-L5 and some joint abnormalities in my spine. The facet joints.
I am 18 years old. I am female.
I am 33 years old female. To start, for the past week and a half I have had a pre-existing vein injury. I was given an IV incorrectly in the ER which gave me superficial thrombophlebitis. My hand and forearm on the right side were affected. I was almost healed when today I smashed my right thumb by accident. After smashing it the pad of my right thumb turned purple and my hand begin to tingle, traveling up my right forearm. I immediately ran it under warm water and elevated above heart level like instructed when I first got the vein injury. I am concerned that since I had a pre-existing vein injury that smashing my thumb could have caused complications in my nerves. I do have some swelling in the whole right hand again now, mostly In the thumb. But the tingling is traveling through my whole hand and forearm. I was looking for insight as to whether or not I should continue to care for it as I did when I first got the vein injury by applying heat and keeping it elevated or if I should see my doctor as soon as possible. I have attached photos
I’m 19, Female
i’ve got a wrist and palm injury in my right hand
Doctor gave me ” No-Dol Codeine ” and ” Brexin ” Medications for pain
the cause of my injury : i was riding last Monday on longboard with a high speed and i fell quite hard on my hands, which i tried to brace my fall with both hands.
i went to see many Doctors some of them said that i broke my wrist ( right hand ) and some said that i bruised my hand..
ive already put Crepe Bandage yesterday at the hospital – Thursday- in the morning but after 3 or 4 hours it gave me a sharp pain and my hand become like a balloon so i removed the Bandage and i put it again gently
i felt relieved ..
I hope someone help me please , and Thank you!
I am 35 years old female, I have a rib insertion/vertebra problem that give me so much pain and symptoms since 1 year now. I had x rays (attached) and where there is the arrow it is where I have the pain. The ribs seems out of place or weird curve to it. Obviously family doctor don’t see that it can cause me pain but all the therapists I’ve saw told me it does! I did lots of manipulations, correction with physio, Osteo and chiro, without results. Can I have your opinion and help. Do you see something special about it and what’s your thought on the upper curve of the rib and asymmetric to the left side…? Thanks so much for your help. I’m suffering a lot, everyday, every night.
Hello, I was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome, because I feel the urge in my legs to move and stretch them almost all the time. Because the stretching is actually helping, I want to ask if device like Night Splint which will hold my leg at 90 degrees and apply light stretch all night can help me with RLS?
Hi. I’m 41 years old female. I have terrible earache and sore throat only on the right side. I had TMJ on the left side of my face after I had dental work. I had no signs or symptoms of it before dental work. I had to open my mouth too long. I saw ENT doctor afterwards and the medications she gave seemed to work for pain. I waited two months to heal to finish my dental work. But again after I had a filling the pain came back worse than before. I have been taking Sirdalud and Tilcotil with the oral surgeons suggestion. The symptoms of TMJ is decreasing I got terrible ear ache and sore throat on the right side. Nothing seem to work. It gets worse at night. I started to take Zimaks. Its second day and I still have pain. What might be the reason for this? I have seen ENT again but didn’t help.
I am 66 years old, white, female and until this past summer of 2016, had rarely seen a doctor in 10 years. When I had MRI and X-rays of my back during the summer, I was told I have osteoarthritis of my back; primarily Lumbar 4 and 5 – degenerative disk disease – it was verified that it is not rheumatoid arthritis by blood work. Nothing was said about any disorder of the hips. Lately, if I sit too long as in even for 15 minutes or if I stand too long (while waiting on corner for light to change) – my hips literally lock and I can not get up out of the chair and if I am standing too long, my legs try to lock – it is like I HAVE to keep moving or lay down for any comfort. I am five 5 8 and I have gained 22 pounds since all this started. I can still walk fine even though I am not sure what is good for me to do or not do. From what I have read, I think it is bursitis as it is in the exact location in each hip – would an X-ray or MRI show this?
In 1996 I was thrown into a fence by a horse. In 2000 I started having pain in my neck and arm. I was put on morphine and percocet which my new doctor finally got me off of last September. He had me get a spinal injection which worked great until Dec so I went for another one and have been in agony ever since. I saw him 2 days ago, he gave me 2 shots where the pain is and told me to keep my 1/31 appt for the next spinal injection but I am still in so much pain in my neck that I can’t hold my head up, I’m flat on my back with a heating pad alternating with an ice pack. I can’t deal with this pain for another week. Please help and tell me what I should do.
I am 46 years male. I have been experiencing unsteadiness and imbalance for about 2 years now. This is the main symptom. I also have severe sleep apnea. My right hand has a reduced swing while walking. I have a postural tremor, but it has been there for many years. My speech sometimes chokes up suddenly while talking, and i have to clear my throat to continue. I also feel light headed once in a way, this is diff from the unsteadiness and is independent of posture etc.
My doctors suspects it is early Parkinson’s.
A spine MRI showed cervical compression in c6-c7, c5-c6 with myelopathic changes last year. This year I repeated MRI, but now it says myelomalacic changes in c6 c7. A spine surgeon advised me surgery.
Can my symptoms be due to only spine issues or Parkinson’s or both? What are myelomalacic changes? What will it lead to if I do not have surgery? I don’t have any significant pain symptoms. But hand is slightly weaker (weaker grip). Doctor says 4 out of 5 (strength).
Hi there. I had a trampolining accident when I was 15. 6 months later I went to the doctor due to persistent back problems as I had very limited mobility. I was referred to the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital where I was told I had mild disc bulge and a degeneration in the 5th of my lumber. I had physio for two years which improved my strength. I am now 19 and have days where walking is a difficulty and I cannot carry on with daily activities and affects my mobility at work. These days do not always have a trigger as to why I am in so much pain.
I want to do something about this pain as I am young and the pain and difficulty is unbearable at times. There are so many different therapies and ways to improve lower back pain online but I don’t know which way to go. Have you got any advice?
My name is (…). I am 25 years old. I was ran over in my right hip area 3 years ago. When I had xrays done they said there was no break. I am in a lot of pain in my hip, buttocks, back and leg. Could it be a break or something that has moved over time. I do have a large…I guess heimotomia…on my leg since it has happened but hasnt had much effect. I need to know whats wrong im in a lot of pain.