My husband has stomach cancer he refused treatment,now he is unable to eat solid food , today he has diarria and feels like throwing up long will it be before he dies ..getting weaker.. Cancer was found after he had a heart attack 6 weeks ago ,they found blood in stool and did a biopsy that they found cancer ..he is 79 yrs old..
33 yr old female
Experiencing right sided facial palsy for the 3rd time in 8 months. Only affecting lower part of the face. I can raise my eyebrows frown and fully close my eye. But cannot smile or show my teeth on the right side. The first episode was in July last year. I was unwell beforehand and diagnosed with migraine and a viral illness. Them the facial palsy occurred. I had an mri which was fine. 2nd occasion was end of November. And this time it started Sunday. I am also feeling general aching all over, neck and back pain and fatigue. Each time I’ve been told I have bells palsy however after researching BP I’m unsure if this is right as my forehead is not affected at all
Hi I’m a female and I’m almost 37 years old 13 months ago I had an eptopic pregnancy and my right Fallopian tube was removed and since then I have experienced bilateral ovary pain I went to the OBGYN today and express my concern about having the pain I’m also experiencing bleeding every 14 to 17 days last like a period typically would and the OB told me that it was PMS and prescribed birth control and schedule me for a follow-up ultrasound in a month. Additionally during the laparoscopic procedure for the eptopic pregnancy, they cut a window in an ovarian cyst that was the size of a lemon on my left ovary. the doctor that I saw today seemed disinterested in helping me identify why was in pain and very quick to say that it was PMS I’m just not OK with that reply, nor am I OK with being put on birth control. I have a history of migraine and estrogen aggravates them. When I asked about it he said I would be fine. I’m not intending for this to be a gripe session against the doctor I’m really truly looking for someone to provide some form of guidance as they’ve been in pain now for 13 months and I am really at my Wit’s End and I really need some help any suggestions will be welcomed and I’m very thankful for your time also I had to talk into a microphone because my texting on my phone is horrible so I apologize in advance for the lack of punctuation and possible duplicate word speak
i am 43 female and i am single no kids i have Anterior wall interstitial uterine fibroid measuring 3.9X3.8 cm and i don’t feel any Symptoms yet and my period Regularly. i don’t want surgery and i am scared to lose my uterus can i know ur opinion ?
I am 33 years old female. To start, for the past week and a half I have had a pre-existing vein injury. I was given an IV incorrectly in the ER which gave me superficial thrombophlebitis. My hand and forearm on the right side were affected. I was almost healed when today I smashed my right thumb by accident. After smashing it the pad of my right thumb turned purple and my hand begin to tingle, traveling up my right forearm. I immediately ran it under warm water and elevated above heart level like instructed when I first got the vein injury. I am concerned that since I had a pre-existing vein injury that smashing my thumb could have caused complications in my nerves. I do have some swelling in the whole right hand again now, mostly In the thumb. But the tingling is traveling through my whole hand and forearm. I was looking for insight as to whether or not I should continue to care for it as I did when I first got the vein injury by applying heat and keeping it elevated or if I should see my doctor as soon as possible. I have attached photos
Two years ago i was diagnosed with Chondromalacia Patella and was given 600mg motrin. The pills was working but for the past few months they stopped working. What can i do to relieve this pain because the pain in both of knees is getting worse.
i Have Problems With Platelets – I was told it is PTI or IPT purpura thrombopénique idiopathique – idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
i was taking a treatment MyFortic + Prednisone but the Platelets did not raise they are below 10,000 about 8200
i was told that i need a surgery to remove the spleen.
is it the 1st step to make it ? as i was reading i saw maybe it is a cause from vitamin C i did not do a vitamins blood test
is there any other ways or something to prevent the surgery
I am 25 years of age male from India, In the year 2016, that is exactly in the month of May i had a mild pain in my left abdomen and later in the end of the month, it eventually the pain was increased and on june i consulted my family doctor for the treatment, later after CT scan, there was 5mm Stone in left kidney (oxalate stones) and for 3 months have took the antibiotics and followed the treatment also. Later i could see there was no pain at all in my abdomen.
Then i have transferred to another state of India from my hometown on November 2016, where after that there was a pain in same lower abdomen on left side and continued for a month, so again on december 2016 i had a CT scan, bu the result shows that i don’t have an stones at all in my kidney.
But for the past one month i have a pain in my same place and once in a week , there is a digestive problem also . So kindly guide me what i have to do.
i am 26f been taking prednisone20mg for 4 days and i been dehydrated and been given a small iv fluid in an urgent care, the doc didn’t care much and sent me home. i had an allergic reaction, couldn’t breath and had trouble swallowing and er doc gave me a steroid shot and prescribe the med for 5 days, on jan26. i have been drinking lots of water and pedyalyte and my mouth is very dry, ive been urinating alot. please help me, i don’t wana die. what else can i do to stop dehydrating
i have two holes in my chest that blow bloody bubbles when i breathe and have 3 broken ribs on the left side. i also have 4 gashes on the same side. the holes in the left side of my chest make a sucking sound when i breathe. i cant breathe deep. i called the emts and they are on their way. i keep bleeding from the holes in the left side of my chest. i was shot twice. i cant breathe. what will the emts and doctors do to stop this? and what is this condition called? what can i do for self care at home?
I had surgery (48 hours ago) under general anesthesia. In the recovery room, I noted a swollen lip, in one specific spot like an injury, but no broken skin like I had bitten it, and my lip still hurts quite a bit. Surgery was no where near involving my mouth or face area. The nurse in recovery room noted it, but didn’t seem to think much of it, other than to say it probably happened during anesthesia, which confused me a little. How could this injury have occurred? What can I do for it?
Hi, I am 35. 2 years back had undergone a big surgery to remove my appendix. It was big because they couldn’t diagnose the cause of the pain and the cut my stomach. Its a big horizontal cut starting from little above the navel point till the beginning point of pubic region. My problem is since that time im having a bloating stomach. I showed it to a Gastro Doc. He said could be Intestinal adhesion and may need to operate if it is painful or if it is obstructing the bowel. I dont have any pain. What could it be and how do i get rid of it? Please help.
Female 40 years non smoker, occasional alcohol, going through early menopause.
For the past 5 weeks I have been getting stomach pain that feels like a gnawing very bad hunger pain. The pain feels like it is mid abdominal/ behind my belly button and quite deep inside. Sometimes it feels like there is pulsing sensation. Even after a big meal I still feel hungry, it has even woken me at night a couple of times. Occasional nauseous but never vomited. I have been prescribed two courses of antibiotics, currently half way through second and also omeprazole. I started feeling a bit better but now I am back where I started. I am starting to think it could be something more serious.
Hello my partner who is 53 has been diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm. We are expats living in Cyprus and the private clinic here want to do a full hysterectomy, i am seriously debating taking her for a second opinion on the other procedures available. Do you agree?
I am a 25 year old female. A few months ago I started getting upper right abdominal pain when I ate. It would move to my side and back. I lost my appetite and lost about 10 pounds. It went on for about a month before I went to the doctor. He sent me for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, which came back normal with slight sludge in the gallbladder. I decided to wait a few weeks to see if it would improve, but noticed at least one each week I would have an episode when I ate a large meal. I had blood work to check for H. Pylori, which came back normal, so was sent to a gastroenterologist. While I waited for an appointment, the pain improved some, but I would wake up with what felt like morning sickness most mornings. Eating would help some, as long as it was something light. I had a HIDA scan last week, which came back as an ejection rate of 76%. Technically this was viewed as normal, though my doctor still wants to refer me to a surgeon to see about having it removed.
My question is does this sound like it could be gallbladder related issues? I am young, work out at least three times each week, and have never had health problems. I have been getting frequent cramping feelings in my stomach, and it constantly makes noises (gurgling sounds). Of course I have asked around, and several people have mentioned that it sounds like IBS, stomach ulcer, etc. I will say my bowel movements over the past three months have gone from regular (everyday) to every three days. If i drink coffee, it is more regular. Sometimes though I will have four bowel movements in one day. My upper abdomen hurts when I press it. I had a fatty meal (fried chicken, fries, and a biscuit) last week, and I hurt for hours after.
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