I am very disappointed with my Botox treatment. I never thought this could happen. I have had a Botox Treatment consisting of 30 units in my forehead about 30 days ago, now have a huge bump right in the middle of my forehead. Very ugly. What can I do about it? Did my doctor make a mistake? Please help.
I suddenly have a very large bald spot on top of my head , I am 23 years old , I smoke but eat quite healthy and I’m active , I am not experiencing and other symptoms but I’m quite sure it wasn’t like that when I got my hair cut maybe a couple months ago. Age:23 Male
Hi there, I broke my collarbone back in 2009 when a girl tackled me onto my side onto ice. I passed out so I’m not entirely sure how I fell, but I know I fell on my shoulder hard and must have hit my head as well. My collarbone broke in 3 spots on my right side. I was 13 at the time so doctors freaked me out a lot, but they still kind of do. Enough for me not to want to visit the doctors regarding this issue a least.
Anyways, my chest seems to have become a bit deformed since the incident. From my collarbone down to between my breast, the centre of my chest protrudes enough that it makes my breasts push downwards and outwards a bit. It’s not painful at all unless I lay on my stomach and have pressure on my chest for too long, but it’s definitely not something I’d like to deal with the rest of my life. I was wondering if anything could maybe be done without surgery, like a posture sling or compression on the chest of some sort… I tried to take a photo but without completely exposing myself, it’s very hard to show what I mean. It’s like a pigeon chest, but what I’ve noticed about pigeon chests is that it seems to be lower and not start by the collarbone, and that it then sinks in as well as protrude, which mine does not.
I received cortisone shots in my scalp for the purpose of hair growth but the shot left me with hyper pigmentation. Each area that the shot was applied has a white spot in the area making it visible where I received each shot. No hair has grown in those areas at all. I received the shot January 31, 2017. Today is May 16, 2017 and I have yet to see any improvement. Is there anything I can do to reverse what looks like blotch white spots on my scalp? It’s very noticeable because the spots are so much lighter than my regular complexion
concern: hyperpigmentation
i have darker face skin but my body is a lot lighter. i have tried exfoliation, de tanning and protected from sun exposure and everything that has to be done to take care of face. So far, nothing has helped and my skin has even become more dark. how can i get my original color back?
I had breast reduction when I was 20 years old, my doctor took 550 g from right and 450g from left breast. I am 6 months post op and my left breast looks bigger and not as tender as right breast. Will my breast get more symmetrical?
hi, i’m 23 years old, i’m 5’7 and 116 pounds. a few months ago i started to noticed that my eyes was starting to get puffy and i’ve got bad eye bags. it got worse every day and now i have horrible puffy eye bags. i also have extreme sensitive eye and when i am out i always feel like i’m completely tired, out of my self, without strength and my eyes are really heavy. i eat 2000 calories a day (mostly vegetable with legumes, chicken, protein, yogurt and fruits) i drink a lot of water and i exercise 6 times a week. i don’t drink alchool, i don’t smoke or eat salt. i’m desperate. even when i was skinnier i never had eye bag, and i was anorexic. i don’t understand what is happening. i’ve done a lot of blood exams but it’s everything normal except for my period that after anorexia is never came back.
I broke my left clavicle in a mountain biking accident about 3 years ago. The break had an overlap and they decided st the hospital to not do surgery and let it heal as it was. My problems now are there is a large lump sticking out from the position of the overlap that is aesthetically very unpleasant and also causes pain/irritation if I’m carry something over that area like a backpack. I wanted to know if there was a surgery option to cut down or smooth off this overlap bone that is sticking out under the skin. I’m very self conscious about this, and it effects my confidence and I’m always feeling around that area every day. Thanks.
I underwent to face lift two weeks ago. I have nerve damage on my left side of my upper lip when I talk and when I smile. When you look at me at rest I look perfectly fine. My main problem is when I speak, the right side of my mouth works perfectly fine, but the left side still moves but not as much as the right looking like I talk out of the side of my mouth. Will the nerves ever reattach?
33, female. Spinal cord injury fusion to L3. Right Talus fracture surgery, slight nerve damages to right leg. Over counter pain medication, not allergic to anything. Able to wear high heels, not able to walk in high heels. 3years this May31, 2017 injuries. Open to suggestions with surgery to be able to walk in high heels again.
Hi I’m 18 years old and I’m a female. I have no medical history problems. I take no medication and I have no allergies. I am struggling with stretch marks. I tried vitamin E tissue oil , tea tree oil, green tea and Arnica oil but not one is making a difference. My skin is horribly damaged and I’m struggling to get it healthy. Any advice would be appreciated.
I am a 20 girl .
I have a problem. Both sides of my face near the nose to the eyes twitch a lot, my nose twitches as well, my eyes aslo twitch.I have that in 8 years .Recently, i went to many neurologists in vietnam.but i recieved different results.The one said that i have face tics .The other one said that i had blephorspam.I have the blood test already to make sure that i dont lack of : magie or kalie,…The result of my blood test is normal, nothing problem in this.I have drank medecine in 3 months but it is still not better at all.I read on the internet that boxtox can help my problem.Can doctor tell me what kind of my problem, do i need to have mrai, and in my situation, can boxtox help .I dont have stress, when i am relax, it is aslo twitch
Thank you doctor a lot
Would like to know what I could do about my ankle on the left? It’s been swollen for over a year now, it doesn’t hurt but it looks like I’ve injured my ankle, and I can’t really wear short dresses that show my legs because people start to ask why my left ankle is swollen. Is there anything that can make it look normal again?
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