Hi. I have a history of knee injury. I was a competitive cheerleader for almost a decade. A couple years ago, I shifted my knee cap. I went to a specialist and was given a brace to wear for a month. After that, it was fine and I didn’t go through physical therapy. Then, I had a knee arthroscopy 9 months ago for two meniscus tears in my left knee. One was tiny and the other was like a bucket handle tear. I changed specialist from my original one a few years back. My current one doesn’t think my original injury was treated properly. Anyway, I went through some physical therapy, but my doctor said I did not need to continue since I had my full range of motion back. There was also no signs of cartilage damage or arthritis in my knee. The past few days, the outside of my knee (near one incision scar) and the side of it has some pain and tightness. The knee is a bit swollen and feels like it’s heartbeat. I think I overworked it, but it too sure. I’ve been icing it, elevating it, and started using my knee stabilizing brace again today. I’m hoping it’ll pass with some rest and some pain relievers. Also, I’m just hoping it’s the frequent changes in weather somehow affecting me. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I am a 24 yr old female. I have horrible pain along my right leg. The pain starts at my lower back and goes along the back of my right leg. My leg hurts badly when I sit for long or stand for long. I feel better when I walk. I am also unable to sleep on my right side because this will cause my right leg to pain horribly. I also have pain along my right hand, starting from my neck, along my right shoulder, back, right breast, right hand and fingers. Please help me. Sometimes I feel as I am going to faint because of the leg pain.
I made an operation to the wrist, where they made me a fusion of four corners, and they removed the scaphoid. This surgery was the biggest mistake of my life, I could live with the pain I had, now I have pain all the time, the wrist movement is close to 10%, more than that is always pain. Before surgery I was promised that I would not have any pain, although I would lose 50% of the movement, and that recovery would be between 2 to 5 months. The results I had was pain always, and I lost about 90% of the movement. I’m a cook, obviously I need more wrist movement. My question is what are the solutions to my problem, and if there is any expert who is specialized in this problem. I wonder if there is a possibility of reversing this fusion of four corners.
Age:17, Gender: Female
At my l4-l5 i have central prosterior disc herniation with annular tear and a degree of subligamentous extrusion of the disc material, which is occupying the anterior epidural space and causing partial compromise of the left lateral recess with potential for impingement of the left transversing nerve root. There is mild bilateral nerve root exiting forminal stenosis, aggravated by some facet joint arthropathy with widening of the joint spaces and hypertrophy. No direct exiting nerve root impingement is demonstrated at this level. My L5-S1, there is central prosterior and left paracentral and foraminal disc protrusion causing obliteration of the anterior epidural space and partial compromise of the left lateral recess with displacement of the left transversing nerve root. There is also mild stenosis of the proximal aspect of the left nerve root exit foramen with no definite direct exiting nerve root impingement.
Are these results bad and what would you recommend, i have already tried physio for 4 months with symptoms only getting worse, i am also on medication with no improvements, i have tried exercising and avoiding bending or sitting for long periods. I have also tried accupuncture with no change.
More details about the presenting complaint:
Numbness down left leg frequently, shooting pain down back of left leg and stabbing pain under big toe. Doctor said i have decreased quad and hamstring strength bilaterally and slump test produces leg pain bilaterally.
Current medications:
Naproxen 500mg 1 tablet 4 times daily, cocodomal 2 tablets 4 times daily. Doctor said thats the highest dosage they can give me because of my age.
Lab tests performed:
Mri performed.
Height, Weight, BMI
Height (cm) BMI Weight (Kg)
180.00 16.98 55.00
I am a 69 year old male, the week before Thanksgiving i fell down my front steps ,I was able to get up without any difficulties. The next day I began to have pain in my left hip, across my stomach and in my left groin. I went to my Doctor and an x-Ray of my pelvis was ordered and obtained ,the x-Ray showed no fractures or anything that would cause the pain. The pain was still present after a month, I contacted my Doctor, a order for a cat scan was ordered, the scan showed no fracture or any other reason why the pain is still present, it has been three months since the fall and the pain is still an issue,my Doctor says that the next step is a MRI, Any ideas on what the problem is.
One month ago I broke my tibia and fibula in a snow blade accident. I had extension put on my leg and in two days surgery where I’ve got metal plate with 8 screws on the tibia but nothing on the fibula. Now I’ve had X-ray and doctor is saying it is OK with some minimal bone healing, but to me it looks like the fibula is a bit displaced. I wonder is it normal not to put plate on the fibula, having in mind it was multifractured fracture. Also I wonder whether it is normal to have only minimal bone healing after one month and when the bones should be fully recovered.
Hi, several months ago, my lower left leg (shin area) began to hurt. Like a soreness, didn’t feel like the muscle, it felt like bone pain. I am a 43 year old female, 5’6 235pounds. I went to the doctor, who said I had mild pitting edema, but ordered an xray. My doctor, not the radiologist, viewed the xray and said it looked good, he didn’t see a fracture or anything but the outer part of my tibia was a little thicker than he is used to seeing, but said wait for radiologist report. The Xray came back normal. He then ordered an mri. He called and it was normal, and showed mild dermal edema. He said all he wanted me to do was try to exercise and take ibuprofen as needed. That seemed to help, but it is back. I want to believe the xray and mri would have showed something if it were of bigger concern. Just confused & worried. Thank you.
Male, born 1987.
Hello. I’ve been having shoulder pain since august 2016. No sudden trauma or activities at the time before the pain except maybe a climbing pass (with no pain whatsoever).
Pain is mostly felt on the outside of shoulder and going down to where the visual parts of bicep and triceps starts/meet. this type of pain is felt when doing the typical benchpress movement with more pain the closer the bar is to the chest and the wider the grip. the same pain is also felt when doing pullups with more pain the wider the grip (most pain when arm and elbow is bent 90 degrees). similar pain and also pain in the front of the deltoid and space between trapezius and collarbone is felt when doing arm raises to the side or when rotating shoulder outwards in a fast motion.
I also have winged shoulder blade on the same side and problems reaching behind my back (internal rotation). However this problem I’ve been suffering from for several years and they cause me no pain.
I’ve been going to several doctors, chiros, physiotherapists and everyone seems to have different opinions on the cause and treatments. The major reason I’m asking is because the last doctor I met (orthopedic doctor) claimed surgery is the only solution after looking at my x ray.
I’m wondering if I could get a second opinion on the x-ray image I’m providing you.
Ive had 2 knee operations, 1 was for my ligaments that tore when i was 12 ( i am not 34) and the 2nd one was about 2.5yrs ago. Ive had problems with my knee since then, the muscles around the knee is very weak and i am not able to gym 100%. Been doing exercises and swimming, so taking it easy. last knight i tried doing walking lunges and my knee made a funny sound. if i walk now it make like clicking noise and if i put my hand on my knee and bend it, it feels like things are loose inside. i know it sounds weird. my knee is a little swollen today and sore. can still walk its just sore. should i be worried?
Hi I’m (…),my mother is suffering from a medical condition of displacement in back bone due to lifting a weight and now she cannot stand straight up she is being bent forward to a certain 30 to 40 degree’s of angle and her left leg is also been a bit folded inwards too much severe pain she is feeling in her whole, consulted a surgeon and treatment is carried on yet no sign of a cure or relief also he didn’t mentioned any word to describe her condition I have digital xrays I can send you also the prescription advised for next 6 weeks.
Im having multiple symptoms after having my neck fusion of 5 6 7 .these. Are my symptoms im having a lot of pressure. In my neck and lower back it cause alot of discomfort. My neck and back feel like it is being squeezed which causes a throbbing in my neck and back which causes my heart to race and heat to my neck and back. My legs give out as it takes my breath away. What do you think the problem might be