My eldest daughter is suffering excruciating pain, need second opinion?

My eldest daughter, she is 16 years. Last year (2015 December) she was having pain at the right back of her neck. I took her to Dr. Dr. told that it is an allergic or cold problem. He prescribed antibiotics. Then she was ok for about 3 months. After 3 months the same area was paining and a lump can be seen like tumour. I took her to a renowned Dr. He said, may be it’s an allergic problem and gave some blood test n FNAC test. The reports were normal. Dr. prescribed her medicines, which helped her to be ok for another one n half month. Again it started paining and this time it was unbearable. Surprisingly, I saw 4 more lumps at the right and left side of her neck. Her spinal chord started paining n she was having a bit fever. Immediately I took her to Dr. This time we did her FNAC again and some blood test, but result nothing. Again and again we r going to different Dr’s, tests, medicines but no improvement. One of the Dr. told to do biopsy. Then we consulted a neurosurgeon but he told that its a sensitive area to operate. He needs time for it n gave medicines.

Finally in the end of December I took her to India (New Delhi). There we appointed a medicine Dr. He gave tests. In the reports he found a huge deficiency of vitamin D. After that we consult a neorology Dr. He gave for MRI test. In the report ARACHNOID CYST can be found. He gave 6 months medicine. Now my daughter’s spinal chord and the lump is paining. My daughter is now screaming out of pain. As a mother it’s very painful to see my daughter in this condition. Please, please n please help me out. Help my daughter. Suggest us something. I am attaching the reports n prescription. I will be grateful to you dr. If u can suggest us anything.

I broke my tibia and fibula in a snow blade accident, fibula seems displaced?

One month ago I broke my tibia and fibula in a snow blade accident. I had extension put on my leg and in two days surgery where I’ve got metal plate with 8 screws on the tibia but nothing on the fibula. Now I’ve had X-ray and doctor is saying it is OK with some minimal bone healing, but to me it looks like the fibula is a bit displaced. I wonder is it normal not to put plate on the fibula, having in mind it was multifractured fracture. Also I wonder whether it is normal to have only minimal bone healing after one month and when the bones should be fully recovered.

I had Carpal tunnel syndrome surgery, still feel numbness?

40, male. I had CTS surgery on Feb 3 and the numbness in my thumb, index and middle finger is no different than before surgery. At follow up, doc says not to worry and be patient but I’m frustrated at seeing no change. The CTS was diagnosed both via clinical exam and EMG test. Is it normal to have no change? At what point should I start to be concerned with the lack of results? Thank you.

I have mysterious contracted muscle on left side of back somewhere on rhomboid muscle?

I had a hard tissue like contracted muscle on left side of back somewhere on rhomboid muscle, between spine and scapula, its in shaped of Cylinder lying horizontal cc5cm long, thick as marker or fat pencil. It hurts on touch, I have had my left side of rib cage,shoulder and neck in pain, one times it was so painful I couldn’t use left arm. but it decreased as i had lost weight(by diet). There is no pain any more only sensitive lump under skin thats move during massage but also hurt under firm touch.
Pain started two years ago after losing 20kg with training and working long shifts and decreased before one month after losing 8 kg more. Had been at two doctors first didn’t find anything, second found inflamed nerve on scapula don’t remember name of nerve something with first letter T. and couple others disorders of spine. Should I seek third opinion and what are Yours thoughts on mysterious tissue.Thank You.
but nothing for medical treatment.

I had surgery on Friday, I noted a swollen lip how could this injury have occurred?

I had surgery (48 hours ago) under general anesthesia. In the recovery room, I noted a swollen lip, in one specific spot like an injury, but no broken skin like I had bitten it, and my lip still hurts quite a bit. Surgery was no where near involving my mouth or face area. The nurse in recovery room noted it, but didn’t seem to think much of it, other than to say it probably happened during anesthesia, which confused me a little. How could this injury have occurred? What can I do for it?

I had a HIDA scan last week my doctor wants to remove gallbladder, need second opinion?

I am a 25 year old female. A few months ago I started getting upper right abdominal pain when I ate. It would move to my side and back. I lost my appetite and lost about 10 pounds. It went on for about a month before I went to the doctor. He sent me for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, which came back normal with slight sludge in the gallbladder. I decided to wait a few weeks to see if it would improve, but noticed at least one each week I would have an episode when I ate a large meal. I had blood work to check for H. Pylori, which came back normal, so was sent to a gastroenterologist. While I waited for an appointment, the pain improved some, but I would wake up with what felt like morning sickness most mornings. Eating would help some, as long as it was something light. I had a HIDA scan last week, which came back as an ejection rate of 76%. Technically this was viewed as normal, though my doctor still wants to refer me to a surgeon to see about having it removed.

My question is does this sound like it could be gallbladder related issues? I am young, work out at least three times each week, and have never had health problems. I have been getting frequent cramping feelings in my stomach, and it constantly makes noises (gurgling sounds). Of course I have asked around, and several people have mentioned that it sounds like IBS, stomach ulcer, etc. I will say my bowel movements over the past three months have gone from regular (everyday) to every three days. If i drink coffee, it is more regular. Sometimes though I will have four bowel movements in one day. My upper abdomen hurts when I press it. I had a fatty meal (fried chicken, fries, and a biscuit) last week, and I hurt for hours after.

Diagnosed with “blood brain abnormalities” but MRI says I’m OK?

Hey, I’m (…) 23 years old this year and I’m in trouble but I’m not sure why my doctor diagnosed me with “blood brain abnormalities” while the MRI memo says I’m okay. I was told to take MRI because I’ve been dealing with “keractoconus and hypoparathyroidism” for a year so only now, checking for abnormalities. So anyways, here’s what the MRI says:

No prior study is available for comparison. No mass effect, hydrocephalus or shift of the midline structures is present. The basal cisterns are not effaced. There is no restricted diffusion. No abnormal susceptibility is seen on SWI suggestive of haemorrhage. Normal grey white differentiation is noted. There are normal vascular flow voids. MRA reveals no significant intracranial large vessel stenosis or evidence of a vascular malformation. The orbit contents appear unremarkable, mucous retention cyst is seen in the left maxillary sinus.

No intracranial abnormality of note.

Can my unsteadiness and imbalance be due to only spine issues or Parkinson’s or both?

I am 46 years male. I have been experiencing unsteadiness and imbalance for about 2 years now. This is the main symptom. I also have severe sleep apnea. My right hand has a reduced swing while walking. I have a postural tremor, but it has been there for many years. My speech sometimes chokes up suddenly while talking, and i have to clear my throat to continue. I also feel light headed once in a way, this is diff from the unsteadiness and is independent of posture etc.

My doctors suspects it is early Parkinson’s.

A spine MRI showed cervical compression in c6-c7, c5-c6 with myelopathic changes last year. This year I repeated MRI, but now it says myelomalacic changes in c6 c7. A spine surgeon advised me surgery.

Can my symptoms be due to only spine issues or Parkinson’s or both? What are myelomalacic changes? What will it lead to if I do not have surgery? I don’t have any significant pain symptoms. But hand is slightly weaker (weaker grip). Doctor says 4 out of 5 (strength).

I have been suffering from prostatitis, there is presence of pseudomonas fluorescens, need second opinion?

Hello. I have been suffering from prostatitis with many symptoms (painful urination and after urination, sometimes painful ejaculation, right testicle pain, genital tenderness…). I have done many exams such as urine test, blood tests, semen tests, prostatic fluids exam after prostatitc massage. I have been on various antibiotics for various duration, but condition never gets really better. I did last week new prostatic fluid exam and the results are presence of pseudomonas fluorescens. My doctor here in Japan says that it is present is all people and therefore not the cause of my pain. He doesnt prescribe me antibiotics but since I have bacteria which has been cultured, I wonder why I dont get antibiotics medication. I read that this bacteria is mild and not very harmful but also quite resistant to antibiotics. Every urine test comes back negative with no infection and semen testing doesnt show bacteria either, only the expressed prostatic fluids come to the conclusion of this Pseudomonas Fluorescens. Your advice would be really helpful, thank you !

I had a wooden splinter on my left ankle doctor said no tetanus, need second doctor opinion

I had a wooden splinter on my left ankle, I was sitting at a wooden deck next to a ferry stop place, then when I want to get up my left ankle scraped on the wooden deck and a wood splinter got in my ankle. It didn’t went in vertically but went in horizontally across the skin. Here’s a pic of the wound after I manage to take the bigger piece out
It only bleed a little after I took the big piece out, and as you can see there’s still smaller pieces left in there so I went to a doctor, the doctor manage to take all the pieces out with local anesthetic. The doctor open up the wound and there was some bleeding happening, the wound it’s now covered with a gauze. I asked the doctor whether there is any risk of tetanus, as I haven’t had a tetanus shot in more than 10 years (in fact I don’t think I’ve ever had one?), as I don’t like the idea of having vaccination and their possible side effects. The doctor said it should be fine without one as it’s not a deep puncture and the wooden deck doesn’t have any rust etc. but I would like to ask for a second opinion as I’m quite worried about tetanus.I’m 26 year old female, no known medical conditions.

I started with fever, throat pain getting worse, worried my doctor not giving me right treatment

I’m a female 25 years old I’m normally healthy person. I started with fever on a Wednesday and severe headache. I went to the doctor they just gave me tylenol and ibuprofen. The next day I woke up with pain in my throat but I didn’t pay to much attention I was more worried with the fact that every 2 hours I was sweating and with fever. The next day, Friday it was bad . I wasn’t able to eat or to drink not even water. I started watching little white bumps in my throat. I went to the doctor again and now they added amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day. I’m just worried they are not giving me the correct treatment or diagnostic . My throat pain is getting worst every hour. I can’t even drink or swallow the pills .i feel I’m swallowing nails please help me what’s wrong with me thank you

Dry, itchy patches on my face, need second doctor opinion?

About a year ago I started getting dry, itchy patches on my face. Over the next few months I changed all the products I used to ensure it wasn’t a reaction to anything with no luck. I then went to the doctor who thought it might be rosacea so prescribed me a course of oxytetracycline, which unfortunately did not lessen the symptoms. It is very red and flaky, and is starting to spread to other parts of my face. Does anyone know what it could be and any ways to treat it?

My cousin has severe anemia, fever- doctors can’t do anything for him?

Hi I’m not asking for myself actually. Recently my cousin is in hospital and doctors can not do anything. He has severe anemia. As I know the platelet number was 50.000 when it should be somehow 200.000-400.000. Firstly he had fever for several days and after they took him to hospital it reduced and he was very well for one day. But after that day his situation worsened and he became somehow numb. He didn’t recognise anything but had irritability. Now somehow his memory restored (like he has reflection when you call his name) but he is half unconscious. Now he is in reanimation and doctors can not diagnose certain thing. They say he has liver and spleen dysfunction and he needs blood. That’s all. The other things i think you should know is he’s been to Africa at the end of December. And had fever one time there which has passed easily after antibiotic intake. Also he used drug called Lyrica regularly which i think you should know. I will be really thankful if you can help somehow

I lost a loved one who was shot in the head twice, brain dead but organs working?

I just have a question..I lost a loved one who was shot in the head twice when the police got to him they said that his foot was still on the break and the police were able to put the car in park. He was “coherent” when they found him, but said he was unable to speak. They did a Cat scan and it showed no activity at all. He was transported to another hospital and also they did a cat scan where also it showed no brain activity at all. They said he was brain dead but his organs were still working I am so confused on the part where they said he was coherent and also on the part where they said his organs were still working but his is brain dead and they declared him dead although his heart was pumping and lungs were working. I am not doubting the Dr’s I am just having a hard time understanding how someone is called…brain death. ? They did unplug him off of machine and he only had 1% oxygen so they hurried and connected him back to machine. We had to make a decision to take him off…:( bc they said that his body would have shut down on it’s own. That the only thing keeping him stable was meds and the vent. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully able to give me some info to make me understand better.

I have had 5 surgeries I am in constant pain.

My name is (…) i am 49 years old. I have had 5 surgeries to remove mesh from my female area 2 of those were reconstruction surgeries. I have had my hack checked nothing is wrong with it. I am in constant pain. I try to work but my wrist knees back gut elbow and ankles hurt constantly. I have headaches. I also have a hard time functioning because being in pain all the timw is depressing.i don’t sleep much. My dr has placed me on a pain pill levothroxin osphena. I also take zoloft. But to be honest between the pain no sleep i am so tired all the time and i just want to cry