4 year old girl with delayed milestones (speech) and convulsions, what can we do?

I have a 4 years old child (Girl) with delayed milestones (speech) and have been having convulsions when she has an infection. She is sometimes hyperactive she has been diagnosed to have mild autism.Currently we give her Tegrotol for convulsions. what can we do to help her catch up with her speech and to reduce hyperactivity and also to eliminate convulsions.

4 year old child loses conscious every 3-4 minutes and losing sensation on side of body?

hello, my family friend’s 4 year old child is suffering a problem. He loses conscious every 3-4 minutes which lasts for few seconds. Its been on going for more than a year. Hes seen doctors but since they life in a country where the medicine isnt advanced, they are not getting satisfying answer. He has also started losing a little sensation on one side of his body

My baby had immunization in UK and he should have done the third shot but can’t?

Im a mum living in UK. I would like just ask something about my baby. He started his vaccine for the immunisation in UK and he should have done the third shot on the 18th of January but we are in italy for family problems and we will back in UK at the end of February. Is it a problem? My son has to repeat all of the shots if we are so late? Please can you help me? From here i can t contact the doctor

My 13 year old daughter has been having a shooting pain on the top right of her head?

My 13 year old daughter has been having a shooting pain on the top right of her head since last march or april. The spot was probably about a inch big. When we first noticed it there was a bump but it went away within a month so we didnt worry about it until a few months later. The doctor had us follow up to take her for a MRI but they did not find anything so we left it alone and a few weeks to a month later, the dot extended to about three inches and goes to the back right of her head. We do not know rather to follow up with the doctor again or leave it alone because they did not find anything in the MRI . Is there any other tests they could do? What could it be?

My son is 5 years old nausea, vomiting, loose motion, accompanied by constipation?

my son is 5 years old. He is suffering from severe abdominal pain for about 3 years along with nausea, vomiting, loose motion, accompanied by constipation. He resists urination to avoid pain. According to local doctors there is viral infection because of excessive retention. There is no cure yet so far, we can send you the reports

My son is experiencing stinging when urinating, not UTI, please advise?

My 7 year old son has been experiencing mild stinging when urinating. I have taken him to the doctor several time over the last 6 months for this issue. they have tested him for a UTI each time and it has always been negative, even the culture they sent out. This is the only symptom he has had. The doctor has diagnosed him with urethritis each time and told me to have him drink more water. Tonight after using the bathroom he started crying and said the tip hurt really bad, but the pain resided after a moment. I plan on taking him back to the doctor tomorrow, but in the meantime I am just trying to get some ideas of what else could be causing this. Does urethritis typically last for 6+ months? It seems unusual to me.

My son is unable to express himself saw Orthophonist and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT, Otolaryngology) doctor to no avail?

my son is 5 years and unable to express himself;i have seen an orthophonist for three months exercise but no positive result and i have seen an ENT specialist which he says the child has no problem but he can’t speak clearly but make sound.He is very active and plays alot;very intelligent in actions

My daughter’s hemoglobin is low but her iron is high, doctor thinks they are fighting each other?

My daughter just went for her 1 year well visit. When they tested her iron and hemoglobin her hemoglobin is low but her iron is high. The doctor put her on iron medicine. What can cause her hemoglobin to be low but her iron is high? Her iron was 4.5. The doctor thinks that the iron and hemoglobin are fighting each other

I am self medicating myself with thyronorm 75 mcg, I don’t want to lose my baby this time?

Hi am 32 years, 6 weeks pregnant. TSH 6.61. Last pregnancy ended in 9 weeks because of blighted ovum, no heart beat and TSH reached 9.11. Never been on thyroid tablets. But took it during 2 weeks of last pregnancy but it was stopped after because the TSH value came down to 3.1. I am self medicating myself with thyronorm 75 mcg because i am unable to get any GP appointment as i dont want to loose the baby this time.

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My 5 month old baby doesn’t reach his development milestones?

My 5 month old baby doesn’t reach His milestones, he seem to have pour eye contact, he haș social smile and laughs but occasionally. I am suspecting him of autism or mental retardation. My question may surprise you: Could he be mentally retarded although he shows signs of intelligence like when I ask him where are the butterflies in His room he turns to look at them? And he does that since he was 4 months old and with some other objects too.

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Female age 5 diagnosed with normocytic anemia, what can cause this?

Female age 5 diagnosed with normocytic anemia. Ferritin and rediculocyte levels are normal. Hemoglobin is low and white blood cell count and platelets are high. Child is frequently tired and prone to illness. No known cause of bleeding, no rash, fussy eater, has alopecia areata and enlarged tonsils. What is the cause of her anemia?

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