I have had a bacterial infection, need doctor advice?

Age 21
Not sure how long I have had a bacterial infection
Had std test : negative
Hiv test: negative
White cottage discharge in the past
Yellow and white discharge in the recent past month
Had vagina pain
Currently no strong odor or discharge
Used minicazole, examined by health department but no mouth swab done
Got an examination swab at a walking clinic seen as bacterial so I was prescribed diflucon, metronidazole then my tongue had red spots on my taste buds every time I touch the back I have a gag reflex tongue was white inflamed and dry
Felt burning when peeking usually so far no discharge after taking zithromax to clear the bacteria in my mouth when I used the bathroom tonight I didn’t feel burning before going to sleep

I had a stage 4 endometriosis doctors say my uterus is damaged?

Hi,I m 26 years old.I had a stage 4 endometriosis and I m done with the laparoscopy procedure too.It was a blood cyst removed in the laparoscopy operation.My both ovaries were infected.Right ovary had an about 5cm cyst and left had 10cm cyst both were stretching the ovarian tissues.After the operation my doctors said my uterus tubes had been infected by the cyst which now treated by the injections .Injections were must for me to recover from this.so,I had been on Zoladex 6.3 injections then ..it was a course of 6 injections.due to these injections my periods are not coming..now the course is finished.But still my doctors are saying that the infection is removed but it has damaged my uterus tubes,due to which m having pregnancy issues.I have no baby yet.doctors saying I have to go for the test tube baby procedure.otherwise i wont be able to get pregnant..plz help me in this I dont no what to do now..

I got STDs treated with ceftriaxone IM and doxocycline?

2 weeks ago i got std. treated with ceftriaxone IM and doxocycline.
Pus still present after tx( but jus mild only on the morning after i wake up)doctor gave flagyl as to rule out trichomonas vaginalis. durong the entire course, i never experienced dysuria. just tingling sensation at the tip.

FLAGYL given 2g single dose. pus no longer present but frequent urination is still noted.

got my urinalysis today
pus cell 0 to 1
rbc 3 to 5
bacteria few

i am on my third day taking levofloxacin 500mg
does my urinalysis suggest i am recovering?

I found bumps on my labia is it HPV or vestibular papillomatosis?

Im a 30yr old female. No medications or known health conditions.
I recently found these bumps on my labia and I am wondering if they are HPV or vestibular papillomatosis.

I tried the vinegar test and couldn’t see any difference but am wondering how white warts appear when in vinegar? Would it be very obvious?

Diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm, clinic wants to do full hysterectomy, need second opinion?

Hello my partner who is 53 has been diagnosed with a benign ovarian cyst around 10cm. We are expats living in Cyprus and the private clinic here want to do a full hysterectomy, i am seriously debating taking her for a second opinion on the other procedures available. Do you agree?

I have fever several times a day with pressure in lower abdomen?

hi.i am 23 year old girl.i had undergone nephrectomy 10 years ago of my left kidney. everything was alright in previous years.in last year in july i felt pressure in my lower abdomen. then i got typhoid. it was minor. i took medicine. i felt ok.but now i got fever again and it just in between 99-100 and only for one hour or so many times in a day.i also felt pressure in lower abdomen sometime.feels fatigue without work sometimes. backache sometimes.sometimes feels pain in uretors.what u suggest???

I have lower back and abdominal pain feels similar to the period pains but in between periods?

I’m a 23 year old female. I have been having lower back and abdominal pain that feels similar to the period pains I get, but it’s happening in between periods. The pain is so severe that it causes my teeth to chatter. I am taking the contraceptive pill – rigivedon. The pain only lasts maybe 10 minutes and is at random but does interrupt whatever I’m doing at the time. The pain is all around my lower back and lower abdomen- not just one side

I have been suffering from prostatitis, there is presence of pseudomonas fluorescens, need second opinion?

Hello. I have been suffering from prostatitis with many symptoms (painful urination and after urination, sometimes painful ejaculation, right testicle pain, genital tenderness…). I have done many exams such as urine test, blood tests, semen tests, prostatic fluids exam after prostatitc massage. I have been on various antibiotics for various duration, but condition never gets really better. I did last week new prostatic fluid exam and the results are presence of pseudomonas fluorescens. My doctor here in Japan says that it is present is all people and therefore not the cause of my pain. He doesnt prescribe me antibiotics but since I have bacteria which has been cultured, I wonder why I dont get antibiotics medication. I read that this bacteria is mild and not very harmful but also quite resistant to antibiotics. Every urine test comes back negative with no infection and semen testing doesnt show bacteria either, only the expressed prostatic fluids come to the conclusion of this Pseudomonas Fluorescens. Your advice would be really helpful, thank you !

Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, developed an swelling/growth around the vagina?

I’m 31. Have had 3 children, youngest turns 5 soon. Diagnosed with UC mild to moderate in Dec, been in flare since June before diagnosis. Have had cartilage removed from right hip due to severe labral tears in 2009, 2 surgical screws in greater tronchanter region from that surgery. Currently taking pentasa 500mgx4 daily, buscopan 10mg as needed, ketorolac tromethamine if needed only after meals, cloxcillan (can’t remember name) antibiotic for mastitis 4x daily 2nd week ends this Friday. Prednisone 30mg daily started yesterday and tapering by 10mg weekly until finished. Probiotic daily.
While in hospital end of August when I had my colonoscopy and was later diagnosed with UC, I developed an swelling/growth around the vagina entrance that stretches up to and partially around my urethra. It is not as bortholin gland cyst as I have had them before and this does not affect the labia or move inside my vagina as I found out after a Pap smear which came back clear. There is no pain, itching, tenderness or smell. There is however redness and my vaginal discharge had changed to a permanent clear stretchy kind like you get when ovulating but no smell or colour. Antifungal and steroidal creams done nothing and while on prednisone no change as have had it before.

There is bright red blood from my anus when I have bowel movement and when urinating?

Hello, I’m female 25yrs, 5’3 130lbs, on and off for the past few months when I use the toilet, there is bright red blood from my anus. Sometimes it’s mucusy. It’s not only when I have a bowel movement. Sometimes my anus will bleed bright red blood when I pee too. I tried eatting more fiber, eatting less fiber, drinking more water, it’s totally random. It’s not painful. What’s causing this?

I lost nearly three liters of blood due to my placenta breaking I feel I’m going to pass out

I’m 23 and female. I had a baby 7 months ago I lost nearly three litres of blood due to my placenta breaking, o had one blood transfusion, since then I’ve been constantly dizzy, I had iron pills they says that’s fine now had low blood pressure that’s okay too apparently, I have anxiety they usually put it down to that or me being exhausted as I have two children by myself but I know it’s got to be more as I’m dizzy all the time it never goes away, to the point I feel I’m going to pass out it’s scary especially when I’m alone with my children I really need something to help with my constant dizzyness

I have had 5 surgeries I am in constant pain.

My name is (…) i am 49 years old. I have had 5 surgeries to remove mesh from my female area 2 of those were reconstruction surgeries. I have had my hack checked nothing is wrong with it. I am in constant pain. I try to work but my wrist knees back gut elbow and ankles hurt constantly. I have headaches. I also have a hard time functioning because being in pain all the timw is depressing.i don’t sleep much. My dr has placed me on a pain pill levothroxin osphena. I also take zoloft. But to be honest between the pain no sleep i am so tired all the time and i just want to cry

My uterus is retroverted and retroflexed, my doctor doesn’t want to refer me to a specialist?

22 y/o female. No past pregnancies. My whole life i have been hindered by extreme abdominal pain, bowel movement pain and extremely painful periods. A few months ago i was told during an ultrasound my uterus is retroverted and retroflexed, and that my uterus and both ovaries are more to the left side. I have done research and have connected with other who have the same symptoms and conditions. I spoke with my doctor today to see if i could get a referral to an arvigo therapist ( they correct the position of uterus with massage) and he told me no! He said that its impissible for my uterus to be causing any issues and refused to refer me. I have seen other doctors and had other tests done and theyve found no other cause. Does it make sense for my doc to refuse this even though i know what symptoms im having and believei know the cause ( what else could it be?)