How to treat leiomyosarcoma and rectal cancer at the same time?

My 54 year old wife had been battling stage 4 leiomyosarcoma for the past 10 years. She has tumors in about 8 locations, lung, stomach, limbs, bone. It has been slowly advancing and is chemo resistant. Now if you can believe it she has rectal cancer with invasive adenocarcinoma. It was removed w/o clear margins through TAE. It was 5 CM, poorly differentiated cells, invaded perirectal tissue, invaded perineural, and has suspected lymphovascular invasion. How in the heck does she attack both at one time. TY

My husband has stomach cancer he refused treatment,now he is unable to eat solid food?

My husband has stomach cancer he refused treatment,now he is unable to eat solid food , today he has diarria and feels like throwing up long will it be before he dies ..getting weaker.. Cancer was found after he had a heart attack 6 weeks ago ,they found blood in stool and did a biopsy that they found cancer ..he is 79 yrs old..

I had yearly pap yesterday, doctor says discharge may be yeasty, frightened it is cervical cancer?

Hello I am 43, I have had regular pap smears yearly. I have had one child 20 years ago vaginally, and one 14 years ago c-section. I have always had discharge, nothing too alarming to me, sometimes, its watery, sometimes its clear, mucosy, every once in a while its thick white/light yellow. But out of a month, other than when my cycle ends, I pretty much experience some sort of discharge. I had my yearly pap yesterday, and the doctor put in speculum, then said, you have thick discharge in here, I’m going to clean it out. She cleaned it out with a big qtip, then said “i can’t tell if its yeasty or not”. She finished the pap, and that’s it. Now I looked up discharge, and all say cervical cancer. I’ve had all kinds throughout the months, but I always thought it was normal. Now I’m frightened. Any advice?

Diagnosed with breast cancer, will a natural remedy wellness clinic work?

My aunt has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. can you kindly explain what this measurements are on the biopsy report? 5s/2c and further stated 1.3 x 1.1.

She is planning on using another method of treatment at a wellness clinic called Utopia in Florida, which treatment involves natural remedies and vitamins minerals etc, for a period of 8 weeks. If it is not successful, will her cancer spread during that time? How fast does cancer spread?

I have Acoustic Nouroma Tumour, should I have full surgery or partial with radiation?

hi i`am a 31 year male that has been diagnosed with an Acoustic Nouroma Tumour which is 4 inches in size, that sits next to my brain stem 2 options for surgery 1) full removal with lots of risks 2) Middle of tumour removed with radiation but unsure how much radiation had when was a child with all cancer please advise on what choice I should make very unsure I have no records of how much radiation I have has in Sydney Children’s Hospital In 1989-1991.

Stage 4 sarcomatoid carcinoma, 50 tumors in liver, what are best options for treatment?

Sometime in late September to early October of 2016, my father (56 year-old caucasian male; was 202 lbs in October, is currently 193 lbs) noticed a bump on his face directly in front of his ear that was hard and painful when touched. He told his ENT and he ordered a CAT scan and a biopsy. By the time we got the results of the tests several more bumps had appeared in the same area along with a larger lump on the same side of his neck. The results indicated cancer in his parotid gland and surrounding lymph nodes. In mid December, a surgeon removed the parotid gland and 23 lymph nodes from his neck and the side of his face (sacrificing a large branch of the facial nerve in the process). After coming home a little bit less than a week after the surgery, my father found that he was becoming more and more tired and out of breath even when exerting very little energy. This past Saturday, we took him to the emergency room because our family doctor was worried that he might have a blood clot. Instead, they found that his bilirubin was building up in his system (also causing his stool to be yellowish) and his liver enzymes were (and still are) rapidly increasing. He had a PET scan yesterday and the results came back earlier today. The scan revealed over 50 tumors in his liver and over 20 in his spleen. This is when we were told that he has stage 4 sarcomatoid carcinoma. The preferred treatments for this (I believe the nurse practitioner told us they were taxanes and a some form of chemotherapy that is very toxic to the liver and kidneys) are not options because the cancer is in his liver and because he has had two kidney transplants (a double transplant in 1992 and one kidney transplant in 2012). His current symptoms are shortness of breath, fatigue, yellow stool, and pain in the left upper quadrant. What I want to know is what our best options will be for treatment. I also want to know the survival rate for this form of cancer and how long he may have to live.

I have a lump on breast with mucus colored discharge?

I am a 40 year old African American female I do not have any kids I have a lump in my right breast the nipple area has become dry and Flaky when I squeeze my breast a mucus colored discharge comes out as well as what appears to be white blackheads I am experiencing pain in the area where the breast and underarm meat I am also a diabetic I take metformin for that I have high blood pressure I take clonidine and and one more blood pressure pill I am also severely anemic I take my iron pills I also have a discharge coming from my left breast when squeezed is this cancer and if so what kind

Cancer of lymph nodes with bowel blockage, doctor says too dangerous to operate?

my mom has always had trouble with her bowel working right.nov22,16 she had surgery to remove a lymph node in stomach area for was a 1 hour surgery that took 31/2 hrs due to adhesion.dr said adhesion were so bad he had hard time find lymph node but finally did.she was in hospital 3 days home 2 days then readmitted due to a bowel blockage.they put tube down her nose to give her some relief.dr said she needed another surgery but he wont do it cuz he feels she wont make it it to tough for her.she is drinking prune juice,taking bowel softener everyday and then every other day she takes 4 exlax still no movement except a little very little watery brown stuff.her abdominal is so bloated and she has lots of pain.when we ask doctorhe says keep doing what shes doing.but it not helping what else can we do? please she needs relief.she is 79 and has cancer of lymph nodes

I was diagnosed with Cervical cancer I have some lymph nodes that are swollen and a ongoing cough producing phlem/mucus?

Hello. I am a 36 year old female experiencing an ongoing cough producing phlem/mucus for around 4 weeks now, drenching night sweats, every night for the past couple of weeks. I have to change my clothes 2-3 times each night. I am generally cold, so this is strange for me. I am also experiencing weight loss and poor appetite, but was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism 17 years ago. I have been able to maintain my weight at around 110 pounds, but the last several months, it has been very difficult to keep it up. I was diagnosed with Cervical cancer a little over a year ago, but was able to get it surgically removed and my pap smears have come back normal since. I have some lymph nodes that are swollen and slightly tender in the neck and groin area. I also have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I don’t know if these are related, but my research thus far shows that they may be linked. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to look this over, and offering some advice!

My mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, now cloudy eye lens is it eye cancer?

Hi, my mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 3 years ago. She is currently taking thalidomide and dexamethasone and some medications to control her diabetes and is doing well to keep the multiple myeloma condition controlled (lab results are good since she started taking thalidomide).

Few months ago she started having a swollen eye on her right eye and has been seeing multiple doctors and received different treatments that did not help. Recently she was referred to the autoimmune specialist and was told that the swollen eye was causes by autoimmune reaction and was diagnosed with anterior uveitis. She was then prescribed another medication.

Two days ago, that swollen eye got much worse and now there is a cloudy area on her lens. See attached picture.

Do you think this is a condition caused by her multiple myeloma condition or just severe anterior uveitis? Is there a possibility of her having eye cancer?

In addition, is there any treatment that can be recommended to treat her eye condition?

Thank you so much for any insight that can be provided.


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The doctor said that i have carcinogenic cells with bacterial nature?

I am a 25 years old female and last month i had a Pap test and HPV test done. The HPV test resulted negative but the Pap test resulted abnormal. The doctor said that i have carcinogenic cells with bacterial nature. About two years ago i had the first HPV test done (not at the same hospital) and it resulted positive, i had two of the most dangerous types of HPV but now i don’t. Should i be worried because i got really confused.
Thank you!

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My father diagnosed with stomach cancer, is not treatable, please advise?

Dear Dr.

My father (age 74) admitted two weeks before in Rajiv Gandhi hospital at Chennai. After report (CT SCAN, BIOPSY) We came to know last week my father have the stomach cancer (Esophagus gastric junction). due to his age/fitness factor the doctors is unable to do the surgery/chemo/radiation therapy. Please advice the solution asap

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I have colon cancer stage 3b, I have abdomen pain, MRI of Omentum and lesions of concern?

I was diagnosed Jan 2016 with colon cancer Stage 3b due to tumor deposit with negative lymphnodes. I had a right hemicolectomy and started FOLFOX chemo which ended in late July or early August. I had a CT scan in May due to having pain in my abdomen. It was negative except for the same liver lesion that’s has been on all my scans. I had another scan at the end of Oct and it show thickening in my omentum and more liver lesions but it said some could be seen on other scans but are tiny. So my oncologist sent me for an MRI. He wasn’t concerned with my omentum because my surgeon said he thought it was from my surgery. My MRI did not say anything about my omentum and said the liver lesions are benign. I’m still having my abdomen pain and they keep telling my CEA is normally to follow with scan in February. Can you give me your opinion? Should I be concerned? I’m trying not to worry.

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